Num Pang’s grilled coconut shrimp sandwich

One of our favorite sandwich shops in the city and a charter member of our Honorary Street Food category, Num Pang, has something very special going on right now.

As detailed in the NY Times yesterday, Num Pang currently has a program where guest chefs will create special sandwiches – and $6 of the $9.75 price is being donated to the Food Bank for New York City and the Cambodian Children’s Fund.

Click through for details on the first guest chef, what sandwich they created, and how long this special will be available.

The first guest chef is Mario Batali and the sandwich he created is cotechino sausage with cacio di roma cheese and balsamic pickled onions.  It will be available until March 15, and is available at both Num Pang locations: 21 East 12th Street and 140 East 41st Street.

Great food for two great causes!

Num Pang’s ginger BBQ brisket