Sweet Potato Dumplings from Rickshaw Dumpling Truck

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)

We passed by the Rickshaw Dumpling truck late last week and noticed a few new signs in the window: sweet potato dumplings and kimchi beef dumplings.

Both of the new dumplings looked like they were worth trying, and we hoped to try both of them. But a short-sighted sales policy put the kibosh on that idea.

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)

Both of the new dumplings were 3 for $4.25 or 6 for $7, so we ask if we could get 6 dumplings – 3 sweet potato and 3 kimchi beef, to try both. The guy on the truck said no problem, then asked for $8.50. What! Couldn’t we get 6 dumplings for $7, and split it 3 and 3? “Sorry, we can’t do that.”

We can understand charging more than half of the cost of 6 dumplings for 3 because of the same amount of work for a smaller order. But we were ordering 6 dumplings. How much more work is it to take 3 dumplings out of one container and 3 out of another?

What we should have done was walk away and not order anything, but we wanted to tell you about the new dumplings and the crappy sales policy. Maybe the owners will read this and change their policy, because the sweet potato dumplings were good.

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)

We’re big on sweet potatoes, and the sweet potato filling was smooth and creamy. To mix things up a bit, there were sweet corn kernels in the mix, which added some texture and a nice corn flavor.

The sweet potato dumplings come with a sesame ginger dip. At first the vinegary sesame dip was jarring with the sweet potato filling, but the sweet and tangy combination grew on us as we worked our way through the 6 dumplings.

The dumpling skin seemed to have improved over the last time we were here, with more body to it.

It’s too bad we didn’t get to try the beef kimchi dumplings as well. If anyone has tried them, let us know what you thought.

The Rickshaw Dumpling Truck makes the rounds of various neighborhoods. You can find them on twitter here or on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)