Boost your energy at the office with perfect food chart

​Many office workers find themselves sapped of energy once the afternoon slump strikes. Such energy drains often occur due to a lack of activity or boredom, so it’s important to switch things up at work as much as possible to give yourself the energy boost you need. Eat well Sugary snacks and high-calorie junk food is usually the norm in an...

Chris’ Curbside Cuisine – The Dub Pies Pie Truck

pie truck
​ When it comes to great food discoveries, it can often be just a matter of checking something out while you're waiting for someone. And haven't we all been there? In this case, I was waiting on a friend at the intersection of Bedford Avenue and North 7th Street in Williamsburg on a perfect summer Saturday. Their transportation delay led me to...

Tips On How To Eat Cheap While Traveling

One of the best parts of traveling is enjoying different cuisines, whether you are traveling in the United States or visiting a foreign country. However, one of the most expensive parts of any vacation is the cost of eating three or more meals each day in restaurants. These tips can help you save money while traveling and still enjoy...

What You Should Know about the Benefits of Grass-Fed, Free-Range Meat

Nowadays, consumers have become more selective about what they choose to buy, and this is particularly true for food – especially meat. We have increased knowledge about what to eat (and what not to eat), and we often make a conscious effort to choose only the foods which we know are good for us. When it comes to meat, there...

Quick Snack Ideas for Optimum Energy

​When you have a job, or an active lifestyle, or when you take part in active hobbies, you are highly likely to experience that energy slump that hits during the mid-afternoon. You feel empty and lethargic, you need to eat something, but you don’t want to ruin your diet by filling up on high-sugar or high-fat packaged snacks. When...

What Will You Be Eating in Dublin this Year? 8 Food Trends for 2015

​​​​​ If you love food and eating out, you’ll be keen to hear about the new food trends for the coming months that will affect what you eat and how you eat it. Plenty of new dishes and methods of cooking are arriving in Dublin from all over the world. Find out what’s new in food and drink with this...

Review: Neapolitan Express

New York City is known for its pizza. The foldable triangular slices dripping with enough oil to soak through paper plates and napkins are as iconic to the City as the Empire State Building or 30 Rock. Unfortunately, all New York-style pizza, whether bought from an “Original”, “Famous”, “Best” or other accolade touting corner pizzeria, tastes the same; with...

Chris’ Curbside Cuisine – El Super Carrito Rojo

Food trucks in New York City have been on the rise for the past few years, and in some respects have gotten some commentary that puts them in a 'hipster' category for the sake of derision. Yet for those fully aware of how and why food trucks became so big nationwide, this designation seems silly. Especially when you're dealing with...

Your Guide to Bar Catering

Offering exceptional drinks and beverages at your next event can set the tone for the party that you are charged with planning for the guests. Experienced caterers have formulas for knowing how much and what ingredients to buy for the size of celebration that you are hosting, so it’s important that you find the right caterer with bar experience...

Review: Texas de Brazil

A man once told his friend, a father who was preparing a meal, about the importance of presentation, by saying, “The eyes eat first, then the lips, and then the palate.” This prompted the father to create a table set that accentuated the design and taste of the food he prepared. It doesn’t matter that the father was the...