A Guide To Helping You Change Careers In New York City

Careers In New York

A career change is a big endeavor and will likely cause you to lose some sleep at night in the beginning stages of the process. It’s a huge life change that can be nerve-wracking and will require a lot of energy and effort on your part.

The upside is that New York is a large city with a lot of opportunities and has a variety of positions that need to be filled. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking to pursue your dreams and get ahead in your career. What you don’t want to do is make any quick decisions and have regrets down the road. Use the following tips to help you set yourself up for success right from the start, so you feel confident that you’re heading in the right direction.

Assess Your Passions

Think of changing careers as a chance for you to explore your other skills and talents further instead of being afraid of the idea and backing down. You may discover abilities you never knew you had because your current job doesn’t require you to put them to use. It’s a great time to assess your passions and dive deeper into what you’re passionate and care about most in your life. You want to avoid making a big decision such as this and then coming to realize that in fact you still don’t enjoy what you’re doing. Therefore, take your time and truly think about what’s going to make you excited to get out of bed each day and work hard. Use this as an opportunity to consider what your unique interests, skills, and values are so you can align them with a career that’s going to make you feel proud and satisfied.

Evaluate why You’re Currently Dissatisfied

Another necessary step in the process of making a career change in New York is to evaluate why you’re currently dissatisfied with your present job. Pick apart your daily tasks and responsibilities and think through what it is exactly that upsets you or makes you not like your position any longer. You’ll want to make sure you shy away from these types of duties going forward and take a new path that you feel will be better suited for your desires. In your new career, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re doing tasks that are pleasing to you and that you find gratifying to perform each day. It may help you to keep a journal of the pros and cons of your job so you can use this as a reference when you’re out searching for a new career. The reasons behind your desire to want to change positions will give you a lot of valuable insight as to what might make you happier in the future.

Consider A New Job in the Same Industry & Get Better Qualified

change Careers In New YorkIt’s possible you find you like your industry but know that you want to get a new job or role with different responsibilities and at a higher level. Therefore, you’re going to want to work on getting better qualified for the career of your choosing, so you’re more attractive to potential employers. For example, if you want to move up in the healthcare industry, then you might consider taking a program such as Baylor DNP-ENL to advance your skill set and improve your resume. This will help to make sure you’re qualified and have the required skills and knowledge you need to get moved up into more of a leadership position that will challenge you. Sometimes all you need is to shift in a new direction while still sticking under the same general umbrella, so this type of transition is definitely a route to consider.

Do A lot of Networking

You can have a better time changing careers by doing a lot of networking in your free time and while on the job. Being in such a big city can be both a blessing and curse all at the same time because while there’s a lot of opportunities, you also don’t want to get missed and swallowed up by all the competition. It’s a wise idea to work your way into the career you want by getting to know high power individuals in your area of expertise. It’ll be nice to have people who you can count on to let you know when positions open up that you’re a good fit for. You can also use networking as a way to explore your options further and find out what else is out there for you to try. For example, attend a job fair and start meeting local recruiters and letting them know who you are and what you’re looking for. Additionally, have conversations with people from all different industries and walks of life to help you better gauge where your talents will be best utilized.

Update Your Resume & Social Profile

When you’re thinking about changing jobs or careers, it’s an important time to update your resume and make sure it’s free from any errors. Include all of the most important information, such as your past work experience and any volunteering you’ve done over the years. You want to have your resume current and ready to go so you can send it out or share it as soon as you meet someone who may be interested in your skills and abilities. Also, don’t be afraid to take interviews for jobs you aren’t quite sure about because you never know when these meetings will lead to bigger and better opportunities.

In this day and age, it’s also important to have a professional social profile that recruiters and potential employers can view. Go online and make sure your profile is the way you want it and includes important details about your work experience and a statement about what careers you’re interested in pursuing so you don’t get overlooked. There are tips and tricks you can use to help you stand apart from others, and that will help to ensure you get your name in the running for the jobs you want.

Schedule A Job Shadow

It’s also in your best interest to get a better idea about the career you’re considering pursuing before fully committing to it. One idea is to schedule a job shadow with someone who currently works in a position that you’re interested in. Ask them to show you around and explain the daily job duties and get a better feel for what tasks you’ll be completing on a regular basis. Come prepared to ask the right types of questions and learn more about what they do and don’t like about the job as a whole. This experience will help to give you great insights as to what can be expected of you in the future, should you take on this new career. Spend as much time as possible getting a true feel for the position before you completely change directions. You want to be quite certain that it’ll be a good fit prior to leaving your old job and making such a big change in your life.

Try it out in Your Free Time

There’s no better way to know if the job or career you’re considering in New York is worth it until you actually try it. Therefore, use your free time wisely and try to get involved in your desired career change right away. For example, volunteer your time or take an internship so you can get a better feel for the position and industry in general. Keep in mind that these trial periods may not be paid and you’ll likely simply have to be willing to dedicate your time and energy to figure out if it’s the right path for you. There are always people looking for help in a wide variety of jobs and industries, so be on the lookout and apply when you see an open position that you deem as worth your efforts.

Meet with A Career Coach or Mentor

Additionally, this is a good time to meet with a career coach or mentor who can help you sort through your thoughts and feelings related to the matter. Find a professional in New York who has experience working with individuals who are at a crossroads with their careers and speak with them about helping you figure out what your next move will be. Be open to having them present you with their ideas and opinions on the matter and willing to put their suggestions into action. New York can be a challenging place to maneuver through, so having someone on your side who knows what they’re talking about maybe all you need to feel more comfortable moving forward with your change. They may have valuable insights into specific jobs you’re considering, and feedback from past clients, so come prepared to listen and take in their advice.

Keep Your Options Open

What’s most important as you work on changing jobs or careers in New York is that you keep your options open. You never know when you’ll be presented with a wonderful opportunity that you can’t pass up, so be ready to make a change quickly if need be. Not only should you prepare by gaining the right types of skills in the area you want to pursue, but it’s also important that you’re mentally prepared for the change. Switching careers is a major disturbance to your everyday life, and you’re taking a big risk by doing so. Therefore, proceed with caution but always keep your options and the doors open elsewhere should you want to return to your previous job. While you shouldn’t let fear control you or drive your decisions, you also need to be realistic and go with what your gut is telling you at the end of the day.

Stay Positive

Make the transition of changing careers in New York smoother by maintaining a positive attitude throughout the process. Keep in mind that you may not land your dream job or career right away and that searching for new positions can be a daunting task. The better your mindset and outlook, the easier it’s going to be to continue even when you’re feeling worn down or defeated. Remember that it could be a while before you’re able to obtain the right information and qualifications for your new job or career and actually secure a position you find suitable. Remain patient throughout your search and stay confident that eventually you’ll land on your feet and be working in a role that will bring you the most joy and happiness. It’s going to be easy to become frustrated when you’re out searching and applying for positions and not getting any hits or feedback. Avoid allowing this to discourage you into staying where you are because you’re likely to become even more dissatisfied in your current job as time goes on.


Instead of getting worried or becoming anxious about a job or career change in New York, get excited about all the possibilities that are out there for you. There’s so much to choose from and explore that it can be overwhelming at first. Therefore, take advantage of these suggestions as you sort through your choices and begin to pinpoint the particular industry and position that will be a good fit for you and your skills.

Enjoy the experience and use any mishaps that do come your way as a learning experience that you can take with you for the rest of your life. Avoid focusing on all that may go wrong and picture how much happier you’ll be when you find a career that’s challenging, rewarding, and makes you feel good about yourself. Remember that it’s normal to feel lost and confused at times when on the search for a new career but that if you keep at it, you’ll be able to soon discover a path that will make all the hard work worth it in the end.

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