Picnic Wine Tip: Spice It Up With Sparkling White Wine

picnic tip

Looking for a unique Picnic wine to spice up your relationship? You’ve reached the right page. Wine has forever been a drink that signifies class, sophistication, and romance. It gives you the right amount of relief from stress and exhaustion while still not causing physical and mental hazards like other alcoholic beverages. In this post, we’ll discuss the reasons why sparkling white wine is a perfect choice for your romantic picnic.

The question is – what is sparkling white wine and how can you spice up picnics with it? Let’s dive right into the article to find out. 

Our Picnic Wine For Today: Defining Sparkling White Wine 

Sparkling wine is often confused with champagne. People also call it ‘bubbly.’ However, sparkling white wine is slightly different from champagne. Sparkling wine is considered the most advanced kind of wine.

Sparkling White Wine
Sparkling wine is often confused with champagne.

The difference is that sparkling white wine is extra bubbly, as it goes an extra (second) level of fermentation. The sparkling of the wine comes as a result of the carbon dioxide content, which is a result of that fermentation. 

The amount of sugar content introduced post-fermentation is what determines the final taste of the wine. Generally, mildly sweet wine is considered the most desirable to drink. 

Benefits of White Wine

Sparkling white wine is excellent to re-energize, rejuvenate and charge up your body. Its bubbly effervescence and fizz give a joyous and lively mood lift. Its light alcohol content is good enough to release stress, yet not high enough to cause a hangover. Everyone knows what a nasty hangover can do! 

Also, white wine is rich in antioxidants, which give the body more energy and better immunity. White wine also contains certain antidepressants that help relieve anxiety and fight off symptoms of depression.

It is not to say you should turn to alcohol if you’re depressed. Escaping is not a solution, but you can enjoy a glass of healthy sparkling wine on a sad day. Invite a friend over and speak about your issues. 

Also, since the grapes are rich in anti-carcinogenic substances, light, regular intake of white wine helps avoid certain types of cancers. Now, that’s what research shows, and it may not work if a person already has cancer.  

picnic wine
Sparkling white wine is excellent to re-energize, rejuvenate and charge up the body.

Enjoy Sparkling White Wine to Socialize

Most alcoholic drinks are considered a strict no-no for social gatherings and outings, especially ones that include children and families. The reason is clear: high alcohol content in the bloodstream can cause impaired vision (which may lead to various accidents) and poor decision-making. It can also make you blur out a bad choice of words.

Sparkling white wine, however, can be an excellent picnic wine and catalyst for socializing with colleagues and families. On the one hand, having sparkling wine can uplift the whole mood of the gathering. On the other, it doesn’t cause all the ill effects of different alcoholic drinks, thus not spoiling the spirit of the occasion.

Plus, holding the glass together helps teams and groups bond like nothing else. And when that drink comes with slight health benefits as well, that is a win-win situation for all.

Hence, a picnic setting can become much more fun when there is a glass of bubbly by your side. Since you’re thinking of going for a picnic, transporting bottles will be tough. But, we have the right solution for you. 

Here’s some good news for you: 

Did you know that some brands have introduced canned wines? You can now get packs of eight canned wines and even 24 canned wines in one-go.  

Usually, the higher society would enjoy a glass of wine out of the bottle, but these days you can enjoy it straight from a can.  

The good part is that some of them have no added sugars. They have the goodness of delicious fruits and flowers such as pear and elderflower. Canned wines are trending, but not many manufacturers are making them, so you need to select the right brand.  

You can buy it in bulk and enjoy your picnics. Lay a Mexican blanket under the sunshine and enjoy canned sparkling white wine. It’s easy to carry and store. Moreover, you’ll not have to worry about transporting them as these are unbreakable. Wine bottles are breakable as they are made of glass, but a canned version is much superior and handy. 

So next time you set out with friends and their families, Spice Up your Picnic with Sparkling White Wine. It’s a good choice for a picnic wine. And well, now you can get your bubbly in bulk as the canned wine trend is here to stay. Make sure you take different types of cheese, sandwiches, and other goodies for the picnic.

Want to read more of our wine-related posts? Check out our post about why Wine Delivery Clubs are worth it, or our list of the 5 most popular wines.