Mobile Munchies for Tues, Aug 13th

Tribeca Taco Truck serving free meals (credit: Tribeca Taco Truck twitter)

Rain, schmain! Who cares? If those great New York Street Food vendors are working today, then we’re going to one for lunch.

As always, check our Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.

LOVEMAMAK ‏On the way to get ready at 7Hanover square, Fidi see you all

Korilla BBQ ‏Headed to SoHo’s Vandam and Varick- Hudson St!

RedHookLobsterTruck ‏It’s a wet Tuesday, but that’s no match for lobster goodness!! Grab your umbrellas & meet us at 50th & 6th for lunch. #ClawsUp #WorthIt

Moo Shu ‏Making our debut in #midtown west! Catch us bright n early at the crack of 11 on 50th&6th #nyc #mooshu #rain means no lines 😀

The Cinnamon Snail We will be on water st. & Maiden Ln. Today until 3:00. Just a block away from our usual #FiDi spot.

Coolhaus NY ‏Word on the street is that this cool ice cream truck will be giving out free treats today from 1-2 by Washington Sq Park #NYCYoureNext

Toum NYC What would Tuesday be without a little tabbouleh in your life?! Join us for a #LebaneseLunch on 46th btwn 5th & 6th today 🙂

Schnitzel & Things ‏Hi guys! It’s a little rainy & cloudy. Once u get schnitz faced, the sun shines!:) cart on 49th b/w 6th & 7th 1130-2. Preorder 917-575-4377. Truck will be parked on 52nd street between 6th & 7th from 11:30-2:00. Preorders 347-772-7341. Hope to see you guys out

Sweet Chili NYC ‏Rain wont stop us from bringing you lunch today at Varick and Grand from 11-3! Fresh lychees are a great way to end your meal! #thaietnamese

Kalimera Today’s Special Greek Burger Deluxe. Our special burger is topped with feta and served with our crispy fries! #GrillinLikeAVillain

Milk Truck ‏Truck’s out at South End Ave. today, stand at South St. Seaport. Call (646) 504-6455 to pre-order!

Mike n Willie’s ‏@dumbolot Jay & Water Don’t let the rain win, order in – local delivery call 917-995-5170 @DumboFoodTrucks @DUMBOBID #comegetsome

The Pocketful ‏Just parked on 49th, between 6&7 AVE

Gorilla Cheese NYC Good Morning G1- sOhO, Hudson & King. G2 – Midtown W., Broadway & 55th…Last week of the Bleu Cheese Roast Beef Melt…#cometothecheeseyo

Nuchas ‏We are 46 & 6th today until 2:15PM, then we are off to Nikon Theater @ Jones Beach, so don’t be late!!! What’s with the rain?

Coolhaus NY ‏Password of the Day is Wimbledon! Say it for 1$ off 2 Sammies!

Taïm Mobile ‏Hail the Kale! Special Kale Pesto falafel is back on 20th/5th. Hint of garlic, touch of kale, it’s creamy goodness is worth a few raindrops

Domo Taco Rain sucks. Throw #tacos at em. Or just come by North End + Vesey for lunch. 11:30 you #fidi fiends! — at World… 

BobJo Truck ‏BobJo is now at water st & Hanover sq in downtown and will be open at 11:30 today as usual. Hope to see you all later at lunch!

DiSO’S ‏Today we’re posting up at a new spot, 55th and 6th ave. – The Society

BIAN DANG ‏North end and vesey on this #rainy #tueaday. Will be serving from 11:30-2:30! We will work extra fast to keep you dry! #wfc

TrustyBurgers&Bites ‏Lets be out in the rain together @47nPark! We will let you borrow an umbrella!

Fresh and Hearty ‏Fresh & Hearty $7 Combo Deals for all hard working people all day. So come on and enjoy your favorite #Paninis #Soups #Salads with F&H.

Grill On Wheels ‏Parked on 46/6th! Word of the “rain drops” for free combo (fries & soda)

Neapolitan Express ‏It may be cloudy outside but we can brighten up your day. Stop by for a pizza pick me up. We’re parked at 49th and 6th.

Moo Shu ‏#NYC we’re open on 50th & 6th! Special delivery of #pekingduck mooshus arriving at noon!

Wafels & Dinges ‏Tuesday! Momma is at 21st between 5th & 6th till 2:45pm! Kastaar is at 60 Wall St till 4:30pm. Bierbeek is at Broadway & Spring till 9pm Goesting is at Broadway & 66th till 9pm Kotmadam is at the Great Lawn until 8pm

Mysttik Masaala ‏#TueCurry #MysttikMasaala & #vegan curries, too!!! 44 st/2 ave (11 am – 4 pm), 43 st/2 ave (4-8pm)… 

Carl’s Steaks ‏Rain? What rain?preorder for a pickup at 917 597 4313 or come by at Hudson and charlton from 11-3 we won’t let any weather stop us GOTWHIZ?

Shortys NYC ‏Lent Lot @ Varick & Grand St.

DUMBO Lot It may be wet #DUMBO but that only means no lines! @bigdsgrub @mikenwillies & @gcnyc1 on Jay & Water today!

BP Food Trucks ‏Ready for a great lunch? They’re ready for you at @BrookfieldPLNY SOUTH! Join @GetStuffedNow & @MilkTruckNYC at S. End Ave. & Liberty, 11-3.

BP Food Trucks ‏Enjoy fare from @PhilsSteaks @EddiesPizzaNY @DomoTaco @SouvlakiTruck & @BianDangNYC at @BrookfieldPLNY NORTH! N. End Ave./Vesey, 11a-3pm.