Ben & Jerry’s FREE Sample Truck Back In NYC

(credit: NYSF)

This is getting to be a great annual event.  Just like the last 2 summers, the Ben & Jerry’s truck is back in town giving away FREE samples through August 3rd!

The big difference this year is they are giving away their new Greek Frozen Yogurt.  That’s half the summer to enjoy FREE B&J.

We checked them out last year when they were in town doing the same thing, and they gave away a nice-sized scoop to each person.

milk & cookies sample from last year (credit: NYSF)

Just go here and tweet a request for where the truck should stop.

If you’re not in NYC, there is also a B&J truck on the West Coast with a few more days in SF, then Portland, then Seattle.

The East Coast truck will hit Boston after NYC.

We can’t think of a better way to enjoy summer!

Tweet the NYC truck at @BenJerrysTruck or see where they are on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.