Ben & Jerry’s FREE Ice Cream Truck Coming To NYC Next Week

(credit: NYSF)

Anyone feel like Ben & Jerry’s FREE ice cream? We can certainly get used to this!

Nearly every day this week, there have been FREE icy treat promotions – Coolhaus, Kelvin Slush and the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck.

Now word comes in the Ben & Jerry’s truck will be hitting town on Monday (7/1), givin away FREE scoops of their amazing ice cream and frozen Greek yogurt.

A couple of years ago, they used the opportunity to introduce Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream.

What will they have up their sleeve this year, and where can you find them? Click through to find out.

B & J have 2 trucks this year, one making its way up the East Coast, and one making its way up the West Coast.

The East Coast truck will be in DC through 6/30, in NYC from 7/1 – 8/6, Hartford from 8/7 – 8/28, and Boston from 8/29 – 9/28. Click here for the city map, which includes both West Coast and East Coast truck itineraries.

And while you’re at it, Churn Your City Into A Flavor by clicking here. There are all sorts of things to vote on like brownies vs. marshmallows and caramel vs. fudge. You can also suggest a name for your city’s flavor. We suggested The Melting Pot for the name of NYC’s flavor, although we probably were not the first ones to come up with that name.

You can find the Ben & Jerry’s (East Coast) truck on twitter here or on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.

If you’re on the West Coast, the truck’s twitter is here.

Americone Dream (credit: NYSF)

Remember, the ice cream may be free, but the ice cream truck isn’t. If you wanna buy an ice cream truck, it is going to cost you thousands of dollars.