Product Review: Sunsella Stainless Veggie Steamer Review


Sunsella Veggie SteamerNew York Street Food was recently offered the opportunity to review the Sunsella Stainless Steel Vegetable Steamer and wanted to share our findings with our readers.

The 100 percent stainless steel veggie steamer is very compact, easily foldable design that allows for easy storage. In fact, it only measures about 5.5 inches in diameter and about 2.5 inches in height.

If you have ever visited the Outback Steakhouse chain or any other restaurant that serves the equivalent of their “Bloomin’ Onion” appetizer, then you will have an idea of how the steamer opens like a rose bud and expands to fit any number of different pot sizes.

As mentioned above, the Sunsella product is stainless steel, including the legs that allow it to stand about an inch and half off the bottom of the pot.

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Though I have only used it a couple of times during the short duration that I have owned the product, it appears to be very stable and durable.

After you have finished steaming your vegetables you simply pull up on the handle that is attached to the center and rises up above like a single, solitary mushroom. Due to the compact design one must be careful and exercise caution while removing the steamer from the pot. I could see a careless or distracted user burning their hand or finger reaching for the pull handle.

While using the product there was really only one issue with the design or usage that caused problems for our family. If you take a look at the picture below, you will see how our pots and pans have the little rivets where the handles are attached.

Sunsella Veggie Steamer 2

If you are using this steamer in a fairly wide pot like the one shown above, it will expand such that it almost sits flat in the pot. When this happens the edges of the steamer end up lower than the rivets. Thus, when you are done steaming your veggies and attempt to pull out the steamer, it will get caught and snag on that little protrusion from the rivet.

Then you have to do a little shimmy, shake or slight yank to free the steamer from those sort of pots.

Other than that, it is a great product at a great price. If you are an Amazon Prime member you are going to get this shipped to your door free and only be about $12 out of pocket.

Please note for disclosure purposes that we were not paid for this review. However, the item was shipped to us from Amazon
free of charge so that we could use the product.