You Shall Not Pass (Unless You Prepare These Pancakes)


Are you a Harry Potter, Gandalf and magic lover? If you nodded your head yes, then you should definitely read through. Now a follow-up question, are you up to your neck in home works and papers that are due tomorrow? No worries, there is a magical word that will help you through it all, and it is: pancakes.

Pancakes to Help You Focus Better

Well, if you are having an exam in a week and you’ve spent the semester watching TV shows and movies online, then I have one thing to say to you: I hear ya! It wasn’t that long ago when I had the same problem, and I found an easy fix: a website filled with pancake recipes to anyone’s taste, including mine.

Now, you might ask yourselves how on earth will pancakes help me focus better and pass my exams. Well, if prepared with the right ingredients, pancake recipes will not only be handy when you are hungry, but they might actually help your studying process.

The Ultimate Exam Friendly Pancake Ingredients

pancakeWithout any further ado, here’s what your pancake recipe should consist of if you want to be focused on your books. (leave J. K. Rowling aside, at least for now J).

Whole Grains

Prepare yourselves a batch of pancakes with whole grains. Eating them will help you sustain mental focus better than eating refined carbohydrates for breakfast.


Fold them whole into the batter, top the pancakes with them, or pulse them in a food processor and make a bluish batter, either way, a breakfast filled with blueberries is surely going to help you focus during the exam. Blueberries contain high levels of gallic acid, they are the world’s biggest antioxidants, and they also contain vitamin C and vitamin K. So, I’d say: go for them!


Besides making every pancake bite a crunchy pleasure, walnuts will also improve your cognitive health. Being high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals means that eating these brain-like nuts will improve your mental alertness.

The Ultimate Exam Friendly Pancake Recipe

Here is the actual pancake recipe that helped me go through my final year of studies. Incredibly yummy and filled with good for you ingredients, these whole wheat blueberry pancakes are just what you need.


1 cup of whole wheat flour

1 egg

1 cup of milk

1 tablespoon of sugar

1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder

½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon of salt

2 tablespoons of butter

1 cup of fresh blueberries

Walnuts for topping


In a bowl whisk the egg and proceed to add the flour, sugar, baking powder, milk, cinnamon, and salt. Whisk vigorously until everything is blended. Butter the frying pan with a tablespoon of butter. Using a ladle, pour the batter into the pan and proceed to drop about 5 blueberries onto each pancake. Cook for 2 minutes per side minutes. Top the pancake stack with walnuts, either as they are or toasted.

Go ahead and prepare yourselves a scrumptious pancake stack, it will surely work its magic, especially if you have the ingredients in bold at hand. Good luck!