Guess The Food Truck Photo…Win A Food Truck Discount from Food To Eat



It’s really hard to be a food truck in the winter, especially in NYC (or Toronto. In LA, not so much.)

Our friends at Food To Eat are helping to support food trucks through the long, cold winter by running a contest…and you can win discounts to your favorite food trucks as a prize. It’s called the 12 Days of Food Trucks.

Food To Eat will post a photo from one of the food trucks they service every weekday from 12/6 – 12/23 via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

All you have to do is respond with the name of the food truck you think the dish is from, and if you guess correctly, they will send you a promo code ranging from 10-25% off your next food order. Answers will be posted at the end of the day on their blog.

Make sure you follow Food To Eat on twitter here or on facebook here for the 12 Days of Food Trucks!

If you’re a food truck, Entrepeneur Magazine has an article with 6 Ways Food Trucks Can Survive the Winter Freeze and Grow Their Business. Click here for those tips.

One way we know how to survive the winter is with the dish below. While this is not part of the Food To Eat promotion, consider it practice. (Hint: We wrote about this dish in the past month.)

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)