(credit: Coolhaus

Earlier this summer, we told you about the Taste of the Parks event, where the NYC Parks Dept showed off some of the fifteen new vendors who will be selling food in our parks.

One of the vendors who submitted a winning bid was Coolhaus, who will be setting up shop on Central Park West between 80th and 81st street, right across the street from the American Museum of Natural History.

Today Coolhaus announced their new cart is ready, and it will debut next Thursday (9/29).  Check out the pictures above, where you can see they copied the basic design of the Coolhaus truck.

They also had news about some new products.

In addition to their awesome ice cream sandwiches (or “sammies”, as they call them), the Coolhaus cart will be serving HOT drip Blue Bottle coffee on both the cart and the trucks when the weather gets colder.  They are also working on an in-house hot cocoa.

For all the vegans out there, Coolhaus also promises a new fall vegan flavor in November!!!

We will keep you apprised of all Coolhaus news, but you can also follow them on twitter here.