Planning on throwing an office party soon? You’ve reached the right place for a few useful tips. For most companies, an office or a company holiday party is considered a staple event to show their employees how much they value them. When done correctly, it can be the perfect opportunity to strengthen the camaraderie of everyone in your company. It is important that you plan your office party properly to ensure that it will become a momentous occasion that everyone will remember. Here is a comprehensive guide to assist you when planning your next office party.
Tips For Throwing an Office Party:
1. Plan ahead
To ensure that you get everything in order, make sure to start planning early on. Avoid procrastinating so that you will be able to get high-quality suppliers without paying any additional fees. For instance, if you plan to hold your office party during the peak season and you still haven’t booked any vendors, chances are you will be left with second-rate suppliers that offer exorbitant fees. By planning in advance, you have more time to research how you can make your office party more memorable and affordable.
2. Identify your budget
This is probably the most important issue when throwing an office party. You must set a realistic and feasible budget to determine exactly how much you can spend on the party. List down your priorities and analyze the things you need and those you can do without.
For instance, do you really need to hire a professional DJ, or can you hire a local band instead? Do you need to throw your party at a five-star hotel, or will your employees be more comfortable at a cozy restaurant? Will a food truck be more economical compared to a high-end catering service?
Make sure to stick to your budget, and don’t let fancy trends convince you to spend more. You can also ask your employees to chip in if your funds are limited. Moreover, remember to include some wiggle room in your budget to cover any unexpected expenses that may manifest during the party.
3. Create a planning committee
To save yourself from the stress of planning a party, create a team to work with you. Bear in mind that the quality of your party will depend on the caliber of your planning committee, so make sure to carefully choose skilled and responsible individuals from your staff.
If you have a small company or your workforce is limited, it might make sense to ask for volunteers rather than forcing anyone from your staff to do the legwork. Since planning a party might take some time away from their regular duties, consider offering incentives to motivate them to participate.
4. Select a theme
To generate excitement from your employees, go for a themed office party rather than a standard one. You can choose from several theme options or ask your staff to vote instead. Whether it will be a costume party, a Hawaiian luau, winter wonderland, carnival-inspired, Hollywood-themed, breakfast party, sweater party, or 80’s disco, the important thing is that it should be something that your employees prefer and will enjoy.
5. Choose a location and date
When choosing a date for your office party, make sure that it works for everyone and will not conflict with any critical business matters. Pick a date where there are fewer deadlines so that your employees can relax without worrying about their work duties. By choosing a date that suits everyone, you can create a more conducive and spontaneous atmosphere.
Aside from securing the date for your event, you also need to decide where your office party will be held. Consider throwing it outside your office to make it more enjoyable for your employees. Select a venue that can accommodate the number of people attending and ensure that it is accessible for everyone, regardless of what mode of transportation they take.
6. Offer prizes
To encourage your staff to actively participate, consider offering prizes and incentives. Offer raffle tickets or provide premium prizes to those attending and joining the friendly party games. It will also be the perfect opportunity for you to honor the individuals who constantly perform for your company. Your employees will likely work doubly hard if they feel that their hard work is appreciated.
7. Decide on the alcohol limits
This is also a crucial issue when throwing an office party. Unless your company has set rules against alcohol consumption during parties or events, don’t forget to include alcohol on the menu. However, you must set a limit on the consumption level to ensure that everyone can safely enjoy the party. Educate your employees in advance to drink in moderation and the importance of drinking responsibly. Choose cocktails or wines that have low alcohol content to minimize the intoxication levels.

8. Determine the menu
Depending on your budget, decide on the party menu. Remember that your menu should complement your chosen theme. When selecting the menu, you should also consider everyone’s food preferences and diet restrictions.
To make it easier, ask your employees to vote on what they want for the party. Or, you can provide them with a list with limited options to make the process more systematic. If your company is located in New York City or if you are planning to host your party in this dynamic city, you can check this list for the top food vendors in NYC.
Planning your office party doesn’t need to be difficult. To throw a successful party, it is vital that you plan properly and avoid any temptations to cut corners.