Edible Flower Recipes to Spice up Your Cooking

Edible Flower Recipes
Photo from Pexels.com

Searching for delicious edible flower recipes? You’ve reached the right place. While most of us are aware of edible flowers like vanilla and chives, it’s rare to see actual petals in dishes like salads, bread, jellies, and desserts. You can put your garden to good use as flower season starts to draw to a close. If you’re prepared to step out of your comfort zone by adding flowers to your recipes, try the following yummy meals inspired by blooming blooms!

8 Edible Flower Recipes You Should Try:

1. Vanilla Bean Chamomile Cake with Honey Mousseline Buttercream (Using Vanilla Flowers as Garnish)

This tasty cake recipe from Butter & Brioche almost looks too good to eat (but we’re going to eat it anyway). Most of us are familiar with the taste of a vanilla cake served with light frosting. Vanilla doesn’t need much else to perfect its taste, but by adding the mousseline buttercream to the top and sides of the cake, you create a pastry that excites your expectations and taste buds.

2. Lemon Curd Blueberry Pop-Tarts (Garnished With Flowers)

Some of the best eatable flowers are found in your own neighborhood, according to Broma. The author baked homemade pop tarts in the oven and covered them in blueberry icing in this recipe. What I like most about this recipe (besides the flowers!) is the inclusion of a heavy cream spread on the pop tarts. While not necessary, the cream definitely improves the flavor.

3. Avocado Toast with Dukkah, Spring Flowers, and Soft Boiled Eggs 

This Australian-inspired avocado toast recipe by Hello My Dumpling includes two types of flowers: chive flowers and flowering kale. While you’ve likely used kale and chives in your recipes, flowering kale is more yellow and tastes more like mild kale, and flowering chives taste almost exactly like chives. Be sure to sprinkle the toast with dukkah, a traditional Egyptian spice.

4. Flower and Herb Butter (For Toast)

Another toast recipe that’s to die for by Yahoo! contributor Josh McFadden, but don’t go into the light just yet! This Flower and Herb Butter recipe is simple and can be made from flowers you find in your backyard. Simply find your favorite and best quality unsalted butter at the grocery store and add a ton of herbs (thyme, sage, or dill) and flowers like marigolds and pansies.

5. Dolmas-Style Baked Squash Blossoms 

This is probably the simplest of all edible flower recipes, but sometimes the easiest recipes are the tastiest. Feasting at Home used her Middle Eastern roots and edible flowers to add some spice to squash blossoms. The zucchini blossoms used in this recipe taste similar to zucchini, just milder, but taste incredible when put in the oven stuffed with ground lamb. Choose quinoa as your cooked grain, as they work better with the blossoms.

6. Pansy Topped Shortbread Cookies

Panies taste sweet and fresh, which makes them a perfect addition to cookies. The View From Great Island simply created some shortbread cookies by adding granulated sugar, unsalted butter, all-purpose flour, and pure vanilla extract. Then, they washed plucked pansies from their garden and placed them on top of the cookies. These cookies look truly beautiful.

7. Iced Hibiscus Latte

Chai lattes are super tasty, but the added hibiscus won’t just impress the taste buds. Hibiscus leaves are packed with antioxidants that will lower your blood pressure, boost liver health, and help promote weight loss. The MerryThought uses hibiscus tea bags, water, milk, sugar, and ice to make this drink perfect for hot summers. You can swap out this tea bag with lavender.

8. Edible Flower Salad with Rose, Chives, and Vinaigrette

And the last one on this list, is my favorite of all edible flower recipes. Roses are some of the sweetest flowers you can eat, which makes them a great choice for salads. In this recipe by The Conscious Dietitian, you’ll find an easy-to-make salad packed with vitamins and nutrients. However, if you plan to add roses to your meals, make sure you rinse them thoroughly, as Roses are some of the most pesticide-ridden flowers on the market.