We know that a lot of companies have moved offices across the Hudson to save money, and we don’t want to leave you guys out of the food truck fun, so there will be a N.J. section at the bottom of the Mobile Munchies list each day.  There are some excellent food trucks there, so if you’re in N.J. give them a try.

On that note, we would like to welcome a new vendor to the list, The Taco Truck, which generally alternates between Jersey City and Hoboken.  Although we haven’t tried them yet, they have fish tacos, which is one of our favorites.  The people behind the Taco Truck have been involved in some pretty high-end places in the past, so our expectations are high.  We’ll be sure to provide a report after trying them.

The incoming snowstorm is not expected to hit NYC until around 8pm tonight, so you have plenty of time to enjoy these Twitter-ific Food Trucks today.

CupcakeStop – Broadway bet Prince & Spring w/ Red Velvet, German Chocolate, Dulce de Leche (cont)
StreetSweets – St Sw is in place on 50th St just west of 6th Av, and will be open from 8:30a until 5p, pick up some yummie sweets for the weekend.
waffletruck – Happy Friday! We’re, like, umm on 60th & B-Way til like 5 or something. Act like a valley girl for like 1 free dinges. Happy 1994!
VLAIC – The Panda Bear Truck is sitting at 22nd&6th until 10, then 23rd &5th until 4pm. Espresso, hot chocolate, ice cream, pastries…nom. NOM!
VLAIC – Happy Friday! Kangaroo on 5th &15th until 530 today. Serving Intelligentsia coffee and espresso, Michel Cluizel hot chocolate & MORE! YUMMY

RickshawTruck – Fri: Midtown west will see dumplings from 11:15-3 at 45th and 6th!

CalexicoCart – Both carts are out today. The special on Broome St is pulled chicken in a toasted sesame adobo sauce. Enjoy.

2 new tweets.

nyccravings – Hudson & King: we’re ready! dumplings will be ready in 15 minutes!
schnitzeltruck – Dumbo.. We’re here at usual spot (Front and Washington streets)…Ready @ 11:30.. Got veal:) c u soon

TheTreatsTruck – Hey we’re on 45 th and 6 ave from 12-3:30 then on 5 ave btw 21 and 22 st from 4 – 5:30. Treat treat treats!!


fritesnmeats – Sorry Burger lovers, our mech problems, blown tranny (get ur minds out of the gutter) will keep us garaged until Feb 12th. Keep u updated 🙁



New Jersey Food Trucks

TheTacoTruck – Lunch Downtown Hoboken on Sinatra btwn 1st & 2nd from 11:30-2:30. Call ahead 201-577-4214

3 new tweets.

thekrave – Location 2: Hudson and Harborside Pl, 11:45-2:30

thekrave – Location 1: Hudson and Essex inside Liberty Towers Gourmet, 11:45-2:00


As always, check the pink Mobile Munchies twitter feed on the right for the most recent information before you go.  You never know if lack of parking, a movie shoot, Con Edison, or something else will force a food truck to move to a new spot.