Lots of tasty news for today – 4/20.

We’re finally getting some action by my office near Columbus Circle – Cupcake Stop is back with 2 trucks, one on 58th St & 8th Ave and one in Park Slope; the Korean Mobile Kitchen will be on Broadway between 58th & 59th St giving away FREE short rib sliders; and one of the Rickshaw Dumpling trucks is on 57th St & 8th Ave.  It’s about time Columbus Circle is getting some action.  I was starting to feel neglected.

There’s plenty of action in other areas too, as you can see below.

As always, check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.

CupcakeStop ITS OFFICIAL WE ARE BACK..truck is at 58th and 8th!Hello NYC! 2nd truck parked at 7th Ave bet 6th-7th street in Park Slope. Todays flavors..Red Velvet,Choc Peanut Butter, Van Choc, Van Oreo, Funfetti, Starry Night, and French Toast…enjoy
schnitznthings Morning guys:) truck is on Park ave & 26th @ 1130-2. Store is open from 11:30-8. Come try some Schnitz and @robicellis cupcakes:) store only

biandangnyc Water btwn broad & Vietnam veterans plaza: ready by 11:30!

RickshawTruck Humpday! We got trucks at: Columbus Circle: 56+8av, Rock Center: 50+6av and also SoHo: Hudson+Houston. Hear that bell? It’s dumpling time!

Mexicue 18th & 5th @ 11:30

Chefsamirtruck is on 55th St @ Lex today! Soupe du jour: Split Pea Soup $3; Crème Brûlée; Nouvelles surprise du jour: Mango Iced Tea!

KorillaBBQ Heading to FIDI at Front st & Gouverneur. Lunch starts at 11!! Don’t let the weather hold you back 🙂

UncleGussys Good morning all Were doin it up on 51& park NYC Cherry cheesecakes and gyros 🙂

PapaPerrone 55th Btwn Park&Mad. We have calzones

KimchiTruck Good morning! Lunch in the clouds today – 52nd & 6th ave. 11:30-2:30.

cakeandshake Not a real a tropical day? We have TROPICALIA! Tahitian Vanilla Cupcake with Pineapple Mousse and Salted Caramel Frosting!
bigdsgrub 4/20 (Wed) G’morning! We are on 40th betw. Lex & 3rd from 11 to 2:30pm!

Cevaptruck Cevaptruck will be on 22nd street and 5th av!!!

VLAIC 3 mobile spots today: 5th & 15th, 5th & 23rd, and at tavern on the green manned by Pete van Leeuwen and adam after a long hiatus!

waffletruck What a Wednesday! The Wafel Truck is on Hanover Square until 4:33.  The Crunchy Peanut-buttercup and the Corn Chili Con Carne RT @bjclubkid2010 @waffletruck any specials for 4/20 Wee Sized Trucks: Goesting corner of Greenwich/Murray St till 5. Vedette 60th/5th ave till 6.Bierbeek on 8th Ave between 57th and 58th. Tell us about an extraordinary moving experience for 1 free dinges!

ETRAVAGANZA Gooood morning!!start of your day with egg whites, fresh spinach,tomato, turkey cheese on multi grain or whole wheat wrap@ 52 . Park

cupcakecrewnyc Good morning NYC! LOCATION CHANGE! 45th STREET & 6TH AVENUE… TODAY’S FLAVORS: Red Velvet, White Chocolate Raz, Mocha, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Coconut Lime

SweeteryNYC Sweetery’s #1 truck Chopper will b on 52St @ Lex from 8-3::15p then off to pick up the @Travelocity @RoamingGnome look 4 clues at 3:30 today

joyridetruck Happy hump day y’all. We’re bringing the @stumptowncoffee love all day to Hudson&King. Stop on by!
New Jersey
TheKrave Wednesday – 12:00-2:00 Hudson and Harborside Pl. 5:30-9:00 Columbus and Marin