Wow, can it get any nicer out?  Perfect for enjoying some great New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.

With all the police harassment, make sure to check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.

schnitznthings Hi guys! Well be on 51st St between Park and Madison 1130-2pm pre order available 347-772-7341 come stop by for some pre 4th Schnitz 😉
CrispOnWheels We’ll be on 54th street today b/w Madison and Park.

gcnyc1 Gorilla Cheese NYC Get ready for lunch midtown west 55 &6. 11-3. special this week – patty melt. Treat your tastebuds right – lunch with the Gorilla!

lobstertruckny Red Hook Lobster Big Red has docked at our Thursday spot. Park Ave between 25 and 26. Crustacean Elation awaits LOBstars!
waffletruck Thunderawesome Thursday! Le Truck is on 46 btwn 5 & 6 til 4:27pm. CARTS! Le Goesting is on 40 btwn 7 & 8 til 4:51pm Le Vedette is on 60 & 5 til 7:57pm Le Kotmadam is at the Great Lawn til 7:58pm For 1 free dinges, Zepplin or Who?
EddiesPizzaNY Today truck is on 52nd btwn 3rd/lex for lunch and back on the Upper East Side for dinner!!!! cart is at lot on tap on 30th and 10th from 12pm to 11pm. Don’t forget you can call your order in. Truck: 9174397522
Mexicue In case you were wondering, it’s a beautiful day. Water and Broad, open at 11:30.

souvlakitruck Kiki & Chad will be working double duty in the window for you, down at Old Slip & Front. 12-3pm today.

CupcakeStop Truck#1 is at Varick btwn King & Charleton. Truck#2 is at Maiden Lane and Water Street. Flavors: RVelvet, Cannoli, Triple Choc, Oreo, Choc PB, Funfetti, Van/Choc, Mint Choc, Toffee
biandangnyc 53rd btwn PARK/LEXINGTON…today maybe be our last day here… no longer welcomed here.
KimchiTruck Good morning! Lunch in Soho today, Hudson & Charlton 11:30-2:30.
TaimMobile Ok flatiron / mad sq pk! Were here 2day on 25/5th w Harissa !
bongobros Good afternoon everyone, its a beautiful day in the city and we are trying out a new spot on 24th St and 5th Ave so come check it out!
UncleGussys Yea yea !!! A nice long weekend coming up The sun is out and the city is alive Were posted up on 51st and park avenue NYC. Todays specials Pork chops Prepared by mom Marinated to Absolute BLISS:) Of course for dessert aunt Georgia made the famous baklava
ETRAVAGANZA Our flank steak burritos and cajun chicken,are simply tasty and affordable $6.99ea. Try em!!! @ 52 n park.
SweeteryNYC What a glorious day today is starting out as, & as a bonus 2 the Hudson St proletariat Sweetery is at Hudson/King til 4p, how can we serve u
GOBurger We’ll be having a high time, grilling by the highline. 14 & Washington
KorillaBBQ 55 and Lex as well as 39th and 9th!
New Jersey
VeganLunchTruck The Cinnamon Snail We are on Sinatra and 1st until 3:00, and then on Sinatra and 14th until 8:00. We have al pastor seitan, red curry…
TwoPitasInAPod Headed to Newark. Will post when docked!

qbacubankitchen we landed in JC! come get ur qban on!