Last week we told you about the free turkey burger giveaway from Bistro Truck and Jennie-O Turkey. If you didn’t catch it then, Bistro Truck will be giving away at least 500 turkey burgers each day from today through Saturday, courtesy of Jennie-O.
Yesterday we were invited to a media preview, so now we can give you an idea of what to expect. Click through for the 5 types of burgers Bistro Truck will be cooking up and giving away this week, and where you can get them.

For the media preview, they served sliders so we could try the different types, but we confirmed with Yassir that for the giveaways starting today, Bistro Truck will be serving full-sized burgers.
The promotion starts at 11am, but they will be giving away at least 500 burgers per day, so it should go on for a while. Here’s the schedule:
Tuesday, July 26 – Hudson Street and King Street – The Mulberry Street Turkey Burger. Marinara sauce and parmesan cheese. Think pizza burger, but better.
Wednesday, July 27 – Union Square Farmer’s Market (15th St) – The Flatiron Turkey Burger. This was our personal favorite, with lots of mushrooms and cheddar cheese.
Thursday, July 28 – Old Slip Street and Water FIDI – The Brooklyn-Style Turkey Burger. Loads of grilled onions, chili powder and cheddar cheese.
Friday, July 29 – 52nd Street and Park Avenue – The Bronx Turkey Burger. Slightly spicy mayo with grilled scallions & peppers, and a cheese sauce.
Saturday, July 30 – Washington Street and Gansevoort Street – The East Village Turkey Burger. Panko & parsley turkey burger with brie, bean sprouts & cucumber.
Turkey burgers have a milder taste than beef, so the toppings take on even more importance. I believe they will also have recipes available for the different turkey burgers being made this week.