There was a special at the Comme Ci Comme Ca truck this week that sounded really good – grilled tilapia served over insalata di pasta (rotini with cherry tomatoes, olives, tuna, fresh basil).

I really like fish, but don’t get it often, since I’m the only one in my house that likes fish.  When I see fish as a special, I try to get it, so that is Today’s Lunch, which cost $10.

I didn’t really want pasta salad, so I asked for it over cous cous.  I get rice and pasta a lot, so cous cous is a nice alternative every once in a while.

The fish was 2 1/2 nice-sized fillets, which were grilled with a few mild herbs.  The fish was lightly browned, still moist, and flaked apart easily.  It tasted good, and there was a lot of it.  I was almost full from the fish, before I even got to the cous cous and veggies.

After I got through about half the fish, I started getting to the cous cous and veggies.  The cous cous was very light, and there were a ton of veggies under the fish such as chickpeas, sweet potatoes and grilled zucchini.   I’m not much of a veggie person, but these veggies were delicious.

Today’s Lunch from the Comme Ci Comme Ca truck was very good.  I haven’t had a bad meal from there yet, and most lunches have ranged from very good to excellent.  Chef Samir and his crew certainly know how to grill, whether it’s tilapia, merguez sausage, lemon chicken or lamb.

You can follow Comme Ci Comme Ca on twitter here, and you can see their full menu here, except for the daily specials (which Chef Samir usually tweets)