How would you like a free Sfogliatelle, Sorbet au pamplemousse, Agua fresca de sandía y menta or Brezel mit rüben meerrettich mayonnaise? All you have to do is Say It Right To Get A Bite!
Next Wed & Thurs (8/10 and 8/11), Random House will be launching a two-day food truck in New York City offering up free foreign treats to anyone with the ability to pronounce their foreign names correctly.
In order to nab a snack or refreshment, you must ask for it in the native tongue. With the “say it right to get a bite” rule, you’ll need to brush up on your French, German, Italian, and Spanish pronunciations for these goodies!
Everyone who sends a tweet about the truck to @LivingLanguage before August 12th will be entered to win gift certificates to NYC cultural hotspots, free language learning product, and Fodor’s travel guides. More details after the jump.
Click through for translations, pronunciations and where to find the truck.
The menu includes:
- Agua fresca de sandía y menta – Watermelon & mint agua fresca
(AH-gua FRES-ka day sen-DEE-a ee MEN-ta)
- Sorbet au pamplemousse – Grapefruit sorbet
(sore-BAY oh pahmp-luh-MOOSE)
- Sfogliatelle – A many layered pastry
- Brezel mit rüben meerrettich mayonnaise – Pretzel with beet-horseradish mayo
(BRET-zel mitt ROO-ben MEHR-re-TIC MY-own-NYE-seh)
Every one who participates, both at the truck and online, will also be entered into a raffle for free Living Language Platinum product, Fodor’s travel guides to correlating destinations, and gift certificates to some of the most buzzed about and iconic Italian, German, Spanish, and French spots in the city like Eataly, Bierhaus, and restaurants Empellón, and Recette.
The truck will be parked at Union Square West between 16th & 17th on Wednesday 8/10 from 11:00am – 4:00pm and in front of Random House at 1745 Broadway (55-56 St) on Thursday 8/11 from 12:00pm – 5:00pm. You can find additional information on Living Language Facebook and Twitter pages.