In our article last week about Bistro Truck closing down for the season, we teased about a new, legal food truck spot opening in Midtown East. At the time, we were asked not to be specific about where the spot was, since final details were still being worked out.
This morning, Crain’s let the cat out of the bag.
Sage Realty, the managers of 777 Third Ave (at 48th St) are opening up their loading dock to allow one food truck per day to sell there.
This new food truck spot was organized by Dispatch NY, which is working on developing a network of food truck lots in NYC.
Ten food trucks will rotate in this spot, but only one per day.
Sage Realty will be promoting the new food trucks in its buildings, and setting up a food truck camera so that office workers can see how long the lines are before heading downstairs.
The folks at Sage will also be including a page about the trucks on its website, where tenants can even order lunch.
The new food truck initiative at 777 Third Ave is scheduled to start next Monday, Oct. 29th from 11am – 2:30pm.
It’s not convenient to us personally, but will be good for people who work in east midtown.
Plus, anything that helps food trucks become a permanent part of the lunch scene is welcome.