Great pictures and descriptions of a night fiesta in Indonesia from Phingelicious.

There was a fiesta in the town at Jl. Alun-alun Utara, near the Kraton.  We could hear music blasting out loudly, laser lights dancing in the sky, people talking over the speakers, urging more people to come in; mini-train with loud honk going round the area; vendors selling balloons, snacks, drinks – the area was lively and full of people!

Jl. Malioboro is packed with people even on Wednesday night!  The food carts on the side of the road have mini tables and benches for their customers.


Few steps ahead, I spotted a wooden stall bearing the word – RON DE. Curiously, I went to the stall and asked the old man what’s ron de. He replied in very heavy Yogya’s Indonesian language – from what I know he spoke about sup halia (ginger soup) and the ingredients (he pointed to the ingredients in the stall as he spoke) all mixed together. Knowing that that soup wouldn’t harm me, and would help me kick off the wind in my tummy (because of the ginger), I ordered one bowl, sharing it with Sat.  It costs 4.000 Rupiah (RM1.50) too and it was heavenly!


After coming back to Penang, only I knew that the meatball in the bakso is actually made of beef.  Lol.  But since I didn’t know about it when I ate that, I think I’m not that entirely sinful gua



The below kuih is almost the same as our kuih melaka, except that the filling is partially hard brown sugar whereas ours is the melted brown sugar.
