Lovely Gift Ideas For Coffee Lovers

coffee gift ideas

Gifts always have a special place in our hearts. They hold tons of sentimental values, showing our gratitude towards our friends. Therefore, when you pick a gift, it should be valuable in the eyes of your friend. This of course doesn’t mean it should be an expensive gift. It needs to be relevant. Look out for your friends’ interests and things they love. You might have an artist friend, giving you a chance to gift painting tools or gifts related to it. Similarly, we all have a friend or two who can’t live without coffee.

You might wonder what to give your coffee-loving friend who seems to have everything? Surprisingly, coffee drinkers are a diverse lot. You may find they own everything, from coffee machines to coffee quote shirts! Thus, when buying them a gift, you must have their branding and preferences down the pat. However, if you can’t decide what to gift your coffee-loving friend, here are a few lovely coffee gift ideas for coffee lovers. 

8 Coffee Gift Ideas 


1. Coffee Mug Warmer 


The worst nightmare of a genuine coffee lover is drinking a cold coffee. This usually happens when you’re too occupied with your work, and forget about the hot cup of coffee lying beside. If your friend is also like that, then a coffee mug warmer could be the perfect gift. Your friend can warm up the coffee as per their desired temperature level. It is pocket friendly, and you can easily find it online


2. Coffee Maker with Grinder 


If your friend prefers to refresh himself with a cup of coffee but is too lazy to do all the coffee grinding, then save him the hassle of running to a coffee shop every morning. You can get them a coffee maker with a grinder to make things simple. This is a standalone appliance that does all the brewing and grinding work for you. You can find these in different variations, look for the one that suits your friend, and of course, your budget. 


3. Coffee Subscription 


Believe it or not, but it is impossible to turn down a gift that offers food. Surprisingly, you can also get your friend a coffee subscription for a couple of months. They will receive different flavors and brands of coffee every month. You can customize the coffee subscription by listing your friend’s tastes and coffee preferences to ensure they enjoy it to the fullest. Here are some recommendations by Forbes.


4. Coffee Body Scrub 


Is your friend into skincare? Coffee scrubs can be a splendid gift choice. It’s claimed that coffee’s nutrient-rich elements gives glowing skin and removes dead skin cells at the same time. The best thing about these scrubs is that they’re  100% natural and vegan without any chemicals. Who knows, you might fulfill the wish of your friend to smell like coffee all day 🙂 


5. Coffee Wall Art 


Coffee Art

People who love coffee know it comes in different sizes, shapes, and tastes. So, how about giving your friend a minimalist coffee poster featuring brewing methods and essential coffees from all around the world? It’s great wall art for the kitchen or living room, showing popular coffee drinks and tips. Moreover, it can work as a cheat sheet for people who are new to the world of coffee.  


6. Coffee Scented Soy


If there could be anything more delightful than a sip of coffee, then it has to be the fresh smell of coffee. After all, some coffee enthusiasts love it so much, they want their house to smell like coffee. You can grab your hands on a coffee scented candle that brings warm and cozy vibes, everything that a coffee addict would want. Besides, it could be your perfect option if you have a tight budget because these are quite cheap. However, make sure beforehand that your friend really wants his house to smell like coffee…


7. Customized Coffee Stirrers 


At times, your small gestures can bring smiles on other people’s faces, making them feel happy. In your search for coffee-related gifts, you can add a customizable touch to a coffee stirrer. You can either opt for an inspirational quote or request to have your message written. Give a meaningful message that makes your friend feel special and remind them of you every time they stir their coffee. You can find lots of options on Etsy.


8. Travel Cups 


If your friend is busy on the go, traveling from one place to another, consider giving him or her a travel coffee cup. Instead of selecting typical coffee cups, look for collapsible ones that can stow down easily. It will allow them to carry it in their purse or bag instead of occupying their hand during the entire journey. Moreover, these cups come sometimes with a heat sleeve to protect your hands, letting your friend enjoy his coffee smoothly. 

Wrapping Up 

Gifts have to be special, and this becomes possible only when you are aware of your friend’s likes and dislikes. Having a coffee enthusiast as a friend could be great if you are also passionate about coffee. Nevertheless, if it is the other way around, you have to nod your head to conversations and spend days finding a gift. And if you end up deciding to take your friend for a special coffee date – check out our list of favorite coffee shops in NYC.