What Makes A Restaurant Successful? 5 Questions You Must Ask

a Successful restaurant

Searching for useful tips to help you determine what makes a restaurant successful? You’ve reached the right place. 

Across New York City and cities around the country, over 13,000 restaurants are launched every year. Although the restaurant industry is composed of many worthwhile competitors, it still has room to add more players to the game. The food and beverage industry is unique. Although there are millions of options available on the market, the demand is constantly growing. 

What Makes A Restaurant Successful? Ask Yourself These Questions

Since people are always eating three meals a day, the capacity of the market is always high. Although the market can handle additional competitors, it’s important that businesses take proper steps to ensure that they can make it in a crowded market. In this article, we will share five questions that determine if a newly launched restaurant will be successful.

1. Does the Business Have an “It” Factor?

In order to be successful, every restaurant must have a unique characteristic that makes it stand out from the crowd. Although this “it” factor is important, it does not have to be immaculate. Some places thrive because they offer a lovely outdoor seating area that is comfortable, cool, and hospitable. 

Other restaurants have a unique dish or cocktail that quickly becomes the talk of the town. By identifying this unique component of your business, you will have the ability to market effectively.

2. Do You Use the Right Operating Systems and Software?

The software systems that are needed in the restaurant industry are some of the most complicated options that are available. These systems need to have fast reaction times, extreme customization options, and scalable qualities. 

Without the right operating system, employees will be confused and customers will be frustrated. In this day and age, companies also must have an advanced system for online ordering. With so many transactions taking place over the internet, it is imperative that brands have a seamless and intuitive process in place. The nature of these systems has the ability to make or break the success of your business.

3. Is There an Effective Marketing Strategy in Place?

Before the launch of a business, many owners and managers skimp on marketing in order to cut costs. Although it may seem reasonable to cut back on marketing efforts, that strategy is ineffective. 

A high-quality marketing strategy is the best investment you will make in your business. Without proper marketing in place, there will be no way for your business to get off the ground. Although you may not have a large advertising budget, there are many things that you can do to cost-effectively showcase your brand. 

By working with influential people in your city, you can help increase awareness through organic word-of-mouth marketing. Develop a core group of advocates that are incentivized to spread the word about your brand.

4. Do You Know Your Audience?

Before launching a business, it is critical that you are aware of who your target audience is. By examining the businesses on your block, you will be able to identify any gaps that there might be in the area. In addition, you can look at the success of other businesses in the area. 

Are street food trucks thriving and five-star restaurants struggling? Are the streets bustling with activity in the evening but quiet in the mornings? If you want to see success, you need to know the habits and demographics of your average customer. As you gather this information, you can structure store details around the trending habits of your audience. Not only will these lead to greater success, it will help you save money and spend wisely in your endeavors.

What Makes A Restaurant Successful
Do you know your audience? Photo courtesy of unsplash.com

5. Do You Know Your “Why”?

The restaurant industry can be extremely wearisome. From early mornings to late nights, owners and managers are working around the clock to ensure that all aspects of operations are running smoothly. In addition, the retention rate for restaurant employees is incredibly low. With high turnover rates and low margins, it is important that you remember what got you into the industry in the first place.

Without a compelling purpose, you will likely experience burnout within the first few years of opening your business. Your purpose has to be personal to you. Do you want to be the next generation of business owners in your family? Do you want to provide amazing cuisine experiences that are accessible to people of all different backgrounds? When you have a main motivator, you are able to power through the most difficult days.


Launching a restaurant is exciting, monumental, nerve-wracking, and complicated. Throughout each step of the process, it is important to ensure that you operate in a way that aligns with your end goals. 

When times get tough, you can remember the reasons why this line of work is compelling to you. As a restaurant owner, you have the ability to be part of the daily and weekly routines for people in your community. With this opportunity, you can help create a sense of community, inclusivity, and delight in your neighborhood.