City Council Votes To Reduce Street Vendor Fines



Last week we wrote about NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn saying the bill to lower street vendor fines would receive a vote on Wednesday (3/6) at City Hall.

That was yesterday, and the City Council did pass a bill that reduces Street Vendor Fines for licensed street dealers from $1,000 to $500. Vendors without licenses can still be fined up to $1,000, but that’s not what the Street Vendor Project and Vamos Unidos were lobbying for.

Mayor Bloomberg has threatened to veto the bill, but so far, there has been no word from the Mayor’s Office on this bill.

The bill was introduced by Vamos Unidos, a Latino street vendor organization, and we all know how much the Street Vendor Project was pushing for this bill. You’ve seen their signs on street carts all around the city.

Congratulations on a job well done.

The next step is to get food trucks legalized in NYC.
