The Missing Link? Fermented Foods and Burgers Unite!

Fermented Foods and Burgers
Photo by amirali mirhashemian on

When you think of New York, burgers tend to come to mind. Food is more than a simple act of sustenance in the city that never sleeps, it is culturally intertwined to a dizzying degree. We won’t refer to it as a problem because we firmly agree that you shouldn’t try and fix something that isn’t broke. However, when the topic of burgers comes up, this statement is always one that needs to be addressed. Regardless of where you live, we have all had to bear witness to a chef, restaurant or burger chain that have taken things too far. In an attempt to stand out from the crowd, whatever so-called twist they employ in order to progress the burger, ultimately fails. 

Despite this, every so often, the humble classic is able to accept a novel concept. Why, you ask? Well, because that new idea is simply too good to say no to! So please, ladies and gentlemen, say welcome to the savoury cherry-on-top that your burger has been waiting for! 

We present you with, Fermented Foods! In order to celebrate the welcoming of fermented foods into the New York burger family, we decided to put this article together to provide you with the lowdown! So, without further ado, let’s dive in…

What are Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods are becoming more and more popular, but what exactly are they? In simple terms, they are foods, or beverages, that have undergone controlled microbial growth and fermentation.

Fermentation, which is an anaerobic process, allows microorganisms, such as bacteria and yeast, to break down food components, turning them into other other products. The former being sugars, like glucose, and the latter including alcohol, organic acids or gases. It is the direct result of this process that provides fermented foods with their unique appearance, texture and flavour.

A Match Made in Food Heaven

Now, this is where things get interesting. When most people think of burgers and fermented foods, their minds jump to pickles. Now, firstly, on a lot of occasions, the pickle you have eaten on your burger is not actually fermented because they use an acid, such as vinegar, in their pickling brine.

So, firstly, make sure your pickles are actually fermented to get the full taste. Secondly, the next chance you get, try putting fermented yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempah or natto (fermented soybeans) on your burger. We know that these additions might sound a little unorthodox, and of course they most definitely were at one point in time, but we are highly confident that if you give fermented foods a chance, you will find the one for you that creates the perfect burger.

The aforementioned unique texture and flavour of fermented foods are what we consider the missing element in the optimal burger. You have the crunch of the lettuce, and the chew of the meat and cheese, right? Well, let, for example, the undeniable middle man between crunch and chew, kimchi, make that burger just right. In other words, don’t knock it till you try it New York!

Here are some more examples of how you can mix fermented foods with burgers:

  • Fermented yogurt: This creamy and tangy dairy product can add some moisture and freshness to your burger. You can use it as a spread on your bun, or as a dip for your fries. You can also mix it with some herbs, spices, or lemon juice to make a delicious sauce. Try it with a lamb or turkey burger for a Mediterranean twist.
  • Sauerkraut: This crunchy and sour cabbage dish can add some contrast and complexity to your burger. You can use it as a topping on your patty, or as a side dish. You can also mix it with some mustard, ketchup, or relish to make a zesty condiment. Try it with a beef or pork burger for a German-inspired flavor.

Watch this video for a good recipe:

  • Kimchi: This spicy and fermented Korean cabbage dish can add some heat and umami to your burger. You can use it as a filling in your bun, or as a garnish on your plate. You can also mix it with some mayonnaise, sesame oil, or soy sauce to make a creamy and savory dressing. Try it with a chicken or tofu burger for a Asian fusion flair.
  • Tempeh: This nutty and firm soybean cake can add some protein and texture to your burger. You can use it as a substitute for your patty, or as an extra layer. You can also marinate it with some vinegar, soy sauce, or maple syrup to make it more flavorful. Try it with a veggie or mushroom burger for a vegan-friendly option.
  • Natto: This sticky and fermented soybean dish can add some richness and funkiness to your burger. You can use it as a spread on your bun, or as a topping on your patty. You can also mix it with some cheese, egg, or honey to make it more palatable. Try it with a fish or egg burger for a Japanese-style treat.

Watch this video to get a glimpse:

To conclude…

Fermented foods are not only good for your health, but also for your taste buds. They can enhance the flavor, texture, and nutrition of your burgers, and make them more satisfying and enjoyable. So next time you’re in New York, or anywhere else, don’t be afraid to try something new and experiment with different combinations of fermented foods and burgers. You might be surprised by how much you love it!