Cupcake Stop cupcakes (not used in the assault)

In the heat of a domestic dispute, a Chicago woman pelted her husband with cupcakes before police arrived to arrest her Saturday night, according to the Chicago Tribune.


The fight started with a verbal quarrel about 7:45 p.m., according to a police report, but escalated until the woman started hitting her husband over the head.

After that, she reached for the box of desserts and directed a barrage of cupcakes at his head and body, her husband told police. Several of the confections apparently hit their mark, as the man’s head and shirt were smudged with icing when officers arrived, according to a police report.

He told officers he feared for his safety, and she was verbally aggressive with officers, the report states. Police said she admitted hurling the treats at her husband.

Records indicate that the alleged victim himself has been arrested three times since 2003 on domestic battery or battery charges. Charges in all three cases were later dropped.

Now if this couple lived in Topeka, these altercations wouldn’t even be on the police record.