A Review by Faith Rein
How NY restaurants are surviving…
The community within restaurants and bars in this world of corona has become frustrated, devastated, and creative.
All the stories of far too many restaurant closings and struggling with the colder weather and restrictions have impacted all Nyers.
Rising above the issues at hand is the hope and promise of the community coming together in support.
Otto’s Taco was faced with the reality of closing a much-loved establishment. Their staff faced joining the ranks of the unemployed.
A great taco would be leaving NY for good and we all love a great taco. Swoop in the Hospitality Hero of The Mighty Quinn’s. Like a great taco, we seek out the best BBQ in town.
Mighty Quinn’s is such a thing.
Watch this video to get a glimpse of the place:
BBQ is abundant and competitive as it should be. Awards are given for the best brisket and ribs. Mighty Quinn’s in the east village stands strong with the rest and rises above.
Now put that together with heart and compassion then you truly have a superhero.
Otto’s Taco: Relaunching as Delivery-Only
Otto’s Taco is now welcomed to partner with Mighty Quinn’s. They use the MQ’s kitchen to remain a delivery only of the great taco’s they are known for. Relaunching the brand as delivery-only as an off-premises with digital-only sales, Deliveries will facilitate orders to areas where Otto’s Tacos had locations.
This past Sunday, the last day of indoor dining I was invited to a tasting at Mighty Quinn’s on 6th ST and 2nd.
2nd Ave in the East Village is known for the many bars and restaurants. Stomp has been playing down the street forever, yet dark every night. The atmosphere in the East Village is electric. That was pre-pandemic.
On any given night you could stroll around the neighborhood and mix with the old-timers, artists, musicians, NYU students, Cooper Union kids and always know you will come away with a great conversation and memorable night.
Now I can count on every block boarded-up storefronts. Dark restaurants. The ones that are still open look like they are closed. 2nd Ave does not have the bump-out homemade outdoor seating.
The smaller side street establishments can do the outside patio accommodations as per regulations. Yet they remain empty outside of a few loyal customers bundled up and trying their best to eat and drink in 30-degree weather.
Arriving at Mighty Quinn’s
On this particularly warmer evening, we stopped in at Fish Bar on 5th. Found parking easily and said hello to my friend, the Fish bar’s bartender. The few customers she had were also celebrating the last day of indoor dining and were excited for my visit to Mighty Quinn’s.
We arrived at a nice greeting by the counter staff.
First impression. Warm and inviting. The best thing to see was a few customers inside and the open space with the garage front wide open.
Safety is the priority. Temps were taken, contact tracing information shared and everyone masked. Tables wiped down. Sanitized restaurants and bars in NYC were not always the norm. Now it is required and quite nice.
Spareribs That Were PERFECT
Mike and I were excited with glee at the presentation of a board of meat and sides that came to our table. Beautiful tender brisket. Spareribs that were PERFECT.
Nice bark, beautiful color. Smoked exactly right for my taste. Amazing Seasonings and topped with coarse sea salt. Smoked meats are indescribable. I love smoked meat. Smoky deep flavor. At MQ you get the smoke without feeling like you sat in a woodchipper. I felt it yet it was not the only thing I felt.
I like dry ribs with flavor, which they were. I also love a great BBQ sauce. This sauce was not thick nor was it too thin. I loved this sauce. I could not stop dipping and pouring and would have just taken it like a shot if I could Beef – Good… Sauce – Good.
The Sides
Baked beans with Burnt tips. Enough said. Yes, please and thank you.
Mac and cheese – nicely done. Creamy and even better the next day.

Brussel sprouts. YES, YES, YES. Nothing new just done Perfect. Cooked well but not overdone. Also, not too hard since most were left whole and some cut in half. Not everyone can do this and still have nice crispy leaves. Again… it was the sauce. A beautiful balsamic sauce that had me licking the plate.
The comfort of the wood walls and smoker standing next to the prep bar.
Edison lights and friendly staff. It was a great surprise.
Encouraged that the place became busier and busier mostly with delivery.

Be a Superhero, Like Mighty Quinn’s
Otto’s Taco is so grateful for Superheroes like Mighty Quinn’s.
Mighty Quinn’s is grateful to be able to remain operational and the opportunity to wear the cape.
Now NY it is time for us to show we too can wear a cape. Save the restaurants. Order as much as you can. Share with your friends and they tell their friends and so on and so on.
Be safe and eat well.
Want to read another NYSF review? Check out our article about Chef Katsu Brooklyn.
Living and loving in NYC, food has been a passion of hers. East Coast to West, Faith’s goal is to explore and learn with the contribution of other like-minded foodies. Faith Rein has written for [email protected]. Youtube channel – faith.rein, love food love faith. You can find her @: Faith.rein/facebook (always looking to add friends) / faith rein@twitter / faith.rein@instagram / [email protected]