Habanero in Seoul

Korean taco trucks such as Kogi, The Krave and Korilla are all the rage in the US – but do taco trucks actually exist in Korea?  And do they serve Korean or Mexican tacos?

Streetfoodie came across a real Mexican taco truck.  Habanero in the Hongdae neighborhood of Seoul, Korea sits on four wheels and serves a menu of Burritos, Tacos, Quesadillas and  Salsa Bibimbap.

Burritos, Quesadillas and Tacos come in a basic beef or chicken, but it’s the personal touches that make chef EJ Chun stand out:  he is proud of his own blend salsa (very spicy,) finishes each burrito off with a mini blowtorch and he’s not interested in Korean-style tacos.  He also strives to set his food apart from the main taco chains, which he considers much too greasy. The result is food that feels very lovingly crafted.

Streetfoodie went for a beef burrito and Sarah opted for a quesadilla.  Both were big, filling, tasty and spicy.  While other places can get bogged down in cramming as many different ingredients as they can into their burritos, Habanero takes a fairly minimal approach of cheese, meat, rice and salsa.  At 3000 won (about US$2.65) apiece they were also criminally affordable.

As such, Habanero is a welcome addition to Seoul’s streets. The attention to detail, personal service and good food make it well worth the visit. []
