Street Eats: “Vinnie The Butcher” from DiSO’S Italian Sandwich Society

(credit: NYSF)

Another new food truck popped up over the past few weeks, and we had a great First Look about 3 weeks ago.  We’ve been dying to go back for a return visit, and had a chance last week.

As we mentioned, the sandwiches are all named after gansgsters, and we wanted to try their porchetta, so we ordered “Vinnie The Butcher”. A hero is $10, half is $7 and on focaccia it’s $6.50.

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)

DiSO’S is not the place to go if you’re in a rush. Everything is made to order, and the sandwiches have multiple meats, cheeses and other condiments, especially the combos…but it’s worth the wait.

Vinnie The Butcher has porchetta, provolone, arugula, sweet roasted peppers and a glazed balsamic dressing.

While many of the meats are cut using a deli slicer, Andy cut our porchetta by hand, and it was just as thin as it would have been with a machine.

Andy slicing porchetta
(credit: NYSF)

The porchetta was delicious. It’s a pork roast stuffed with herbs, and wrapped with pancetta, a salt-cured pork type of pork.

While the porchetta was delicious, everything on the sandwich was of the same quality. The provolone was creamy, the roasted peppers were really tasty, and the arugula was actually mizuna, which gave a peppery edge to the greens.

We said it before, and we’re saying it again, the secret weapon in the sandwich was the glazed balsamic dressing. The balsamic vinegar is reduced until it becomes like a glaze. It comes out thicker than balsamic vinegar, and is sweet and sharp at the same time.  Excellent!

(credit: NYSF)
(credit: NYSF)

DiSO’s Sandwich Society can be located on twitter here or on our Mobile Munchies twitter feed. You can also check them out on facebook here or at their website.

We suggest before going to the truck, to read up on their menu here, because it’s long and involved. Nothing worse than standing at a truck with a long menu and trying to figure out what to order.