Show Off Your Art World Bona Fides By Dining On FREE Rats


Time to put our Everybody Likes Free category to the test.

Artist Laura Ginn, who says she’s spent the last several years “developing an ad-hoc crash course in self-reliance,” raised over $2,000 on Kickstarter for her art event, “Tomorrow We Will Feast Again on What We Catch”.

The exhibit is a display of photography and performance that culminated in an urban hunter-gatherer feast last week for 100 guests at the Allegra La Viola Gallery. Ms. Ginn hosted a rat dinner wearing a dress made entirely of two hundred rat pelts she tanned and sewed together herself. The rat dinner was created with the help of Chef Yuri Hart.

The NY Observer reported “The first course consisted of a goat cheese crostini overlain with a small piece of rat meat and a shot glass of (rat-free) gazpacho. Diners at our end of the table noted that the goat cheese mostly overwhelmed the rat, but we found the flavor and texture reminiscent of lamb.

Next came two circles of rat and pork terrine over a deconstructed salad containing cherries, greens, pickled carrots and Mexican sour gherkins (also known as mouse melons—clever menu planning). Though oily (hardly a criticism, it’s a terrine for god’s sake), it was salty and delicious.

“Rat Two Ways” was the main course. Reminiscent of rabbit, a pile of braised rat was so tender it fell apart as soon as our fork touched it.”

Above is a video of Ginn explaining the project.

If you missed this auspicious event (and not on purpose), you’ll be happy to know that tonight you can sample the goodies yourself. Chef Hart will be preparing a “grilled rat sampler” for public consumption, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. tonight.

If this is up your alley, The Allegra LaViola Gallery is located at 179 East Broadway (Chinatown, hmmm). There has been a lot of press on this event, so get there early, as we say with all of the Everybody Loves Free postings.