twc ice-cream-truck

If you’re going to Bryant Park tonight to see Monty Python & the Holy Grail, keep an eye out for the Time Warner Cable’s Ice Cream Truck.  For the suggested donation of $1 (100% of which goes to local museums), the truck sells Mister Softee-style vanilla and chocolate cones and cups with or without sprinkles.

From the Time Warner Cable Untangled website:

“Last summer, we donated more than $14,000 to the Children’s Museum of Manhattan, NY Hall of Science in Queens, Brooklyn Children’s Museum and Staten Island Children’s Museum, all raised through the sale of modestly priced refreshments. These museums will once again be the beneficiaries of this campaign.  Each of these organizations has programs for young people connecting them to science and nature, which are key elements for Time Warner Cable’s community focus,” said Harriet Novet, Regional Vice President, Public Affairs, Time Warner Cable’s NYC Region.

We’ve already committed to attend certain events this summer. Here is a working list:

  • Bryant Park – July 5,12,19,26 & August 2, 9, 16th (Approx 4-10 p.m.) [NYSF Note: For the Monday night films]
  • Children’s Museum of Manhattan (one of our beneficiaries) – July 16th, and August 6th – 5-8 p.m.
  • Staten Island Borough President’s “Starlight” concerts – July 8, 22, 29th, August 12th, 19th

To request a visit by Time Warner Cable’s Ice Cream Truck, call (877) 766-7892. The truck is scheduled to visit many events around the city including Bryant Park’s Movies in the Park and Central Park’s Summer Stage series and is available for block parties and other outdoor public events from July 1 through August 23. [Time Warner Cable Untangled]