FREE Big Gay Ice Cream Tonight Courtesy Of Dr. Brendan Mac Repair


Two things that don’t usually go well together are ice cream and computers or cell phones. Tonight they will live together in perfect harmony. How’s that you say?

Well, there will be FREE Big Gay Ice Cream at the Grand Opening Party of the new Dr. Brendan Mac Repair store tonight.

Click through for more details.

Doug told us he first met “Dr. Brendan” when he dropped a can of chocolate dip on his iPhone. Those cans are probably 5 pounds each, and Dr. Brendan was able to repair the damage.

Daily Candy recently called Dr. Brendan the Best iPhone repair shop in NYC, which is a pretty good recommendation. This is Dr. Brendan’s 3rd store, which is another good sign they know what they’re doing.

So here are the deets: 115 West 23rd St, between 6th & 7th Ave. The Grand Opening Party runs from 8-10pm. FREE Big Gay ice Cream for all!

(credit: NYSF)