There will be additional TV coverage for food trucks coming up in the spring.  Two items of particular note:

TLC is shooting a five minute segment on food trucks for part of a show called American Eats.  For the show, the Clover Truck near MIT in Cambridge, MA was followed for a typical day.

The Clover Truck is eco-friendly and uses old vegetable oil for fuel.  In developing a new breakfast menu, they also discovered how to make high-quality eggs using a circulating water bath with precise temperature control to cook the eggs so they still taste good hours later.

Guess there are some advantages to serving MIT students and faculty.  His grandmother will be so proud.  [MIT News]

Clover Cambridge

It has been pretty widely reported that Courtney Cox-Arquette and David Arquette are developing a show about food trucks in New York called Eat Street.  It will be a comedy, and will explore the world of street vendors in New York City and “the whole subculture around these pop-up bistros”.

We believe the first to report this was OK Magazine. [OK]

It cannot be verified that other possible names under consideration are the Cougar Truck and the Scream Truck.
