BBQ Pulled Pork Wafel from Wafels & Dinges

Food trucks are known for coming up with creative menus, but these days even something like Korean BBQ nachos, which would have been considered “out there” a couple of years ago, is not that unusual – although it is still delicious!

Zen College Life came up with a list of the 10 Most Unique Food Truck Cuisines.

It took them all the way to #10 to find a NYC dish – the BBQ Pulled Pork Wafel from Wafels & Dinges – and they didn’t even mention the coolickle (a pickle marinated in cherry Kool-Aid).  We thought this was one of the most interesting parts of the meal.

There are some unique dishes on the list including rattlesnake bratwurst, reindeer sausage and Mexican grits, among others.

Click here to check out the entire article on the Zen College Life blog.

We’ll have to come up with our own NYC-based list one of these days.  Feel free to send us your suggestions.