MOGE TEE review

BY: RON ROSSI – The Jaded Traveler

Let’s just say, I like Bubble Tea. I have been drinking it for ages ever since I lived in Asia. And that was before Bubble Tea became popular here in the US. So it has been for some time I enjoy the sweet taste of a good tea.

So, with the opening of the newest Moge Tee on Bleecker Street, (their flagship location) I was eager to see what made them different than all the rest. In a word – freshness.

When it comes to a chain operation, you worry if things get lost in translation from location to location. Or do they keep the same standards? Most of the shops seem to fail over time. However, in this newest location, Moge Tee does keep true to its winning formula.

MOGE TEE new york city
Moge Tee does keep true to its winning formula.

This new location on Bleecker Street is truly a work in process. The electricity was going in and out of the lights, old signs removed (from the pizza joint that was there), items still being put together, plants were still being planted. But in the midst of construction, the important product is there. The Tea itself.

Arriving at the special pre-opening I was able to same some truly great teas. First up was a Hawaiian Tea. It was truly a taste of the tropics. It was fresh, tasty and a hint of flora that reminded me of being back in Hawaii (where I had visited several times in the past).

It was truly a taste of the tropics.

Next was a tea I truly enjoyed and never had. It was the Cheese Foam Earl Grey Tea. It is as interesting a concept as it sounds. You would never assume cream cheese foam with tea. But this works. The foam itself is a lightly whipped cheese that is turned into a froth that is fresh and tangy. It Has the taste of lightly foamy cream cheese over a warm tea. It comes in a traditional cup but has a special lid that I have seen nowhere else. It actually swings open (instead of flipping up). Then you are instructed to hold the cup at a 45-degree angle so that you will end up with a tell-tale foam mustache on your lips. Doing as I was instructed it was good. The perfect combination of tea with the foamy cheese topping. You can’t ask for better. And I did get the mustache as promised.

Moge Tee has a good variety of other teas in the shop. There is no food. Just the teas. And speaking with other customers, everyone agreed it was refreshing and surprising. The textural difference in some of the combinations is refreshing.

I would definitely swing by Moge Tee for another of their inspiring teas.

As for the décor, it is clean and simple. The walls are covered with artistic graffiti that is representative of the Greenwich Village vibe. The location is ideal, as it is on a corner on Bleecker Street. The staff is warm and friendly. Ready to help with recommendations. All signs point to a shop that is ready to go. And, when I am back in the neighborhood, I would definitely swing by Moge Tee for another of their inspiring teas.

Moge Tee
168 Bleecker StreetNew York, NY 10012



Mon-Thur: 11:00AM – 10:30PM
Fri-Sat: 11:00AM – 11:00PM
Sun: 11:00AM – 10:30PM

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Ron Rossi
“The Jaded Traveler”. Ron Rossi was born and raised in New York. A globalist at heart, Ron is a marketing director by trade, and has lived and worked around the world including Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Food is one of the best ways to learn about a country, a people and a culture. So, Ron is always looking for the best in mid-range to budget and street food. He is always on the hunt for a good meal anyone can afford. It is the food of the average citizen that excites him. And with having visited close to 100 countries on 6 continents so far, there have been some pretty good meals.