A few trucks (Taim, Andy’s) are off the road today for Yom Kippur, but most are out and working.
As always, check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute, there was a film shoot, or the police started chasing trucks away from their spots.
Coolhaus NY Buon giorno! Find us today at USQWest 11-10, 53rd & Park 11-5,#CentralPark West & 80th 12-6.
Milk Truck missed our usual spot in Fidi last Friday so we’re making up for it today. wall st. near william 11:30–3. (and… http://fb.me/2jNbRNS0A
RickshawTruck Humpday! Trucks out at Midtown: 50+6av as well as World Financial: N End +Vesey. We have kimchi beef dumplings as a special on board today!
Bistro Truck Truck is on Water & Old Slip from 11-3p.#carnivoresnation