Mobile Munchies for Wed, Nov. 21st, incl Sandy Relief Locations

Mike N Willies
(credit: Bian Dang twitter)

Everybody’s getting ready for Thanksgiving, and many of the food trucks are in neighborhoods devastated by Sandy, feeding people who don’t have a lot to be thankful for right now.

If you are in decent shape, please contribute to the NYC Food Truck Association’s indiegogo fundraiser, so they can continue serving meals to those who need it most.

For the most up-to-date food truck locations, including Sandy Relief locations, check our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.

Today, the following food trucks will be in:

BROOKLYN (12pm-4pm)
Domo Taco: Holy Family Catholic Church, 9719 Flatlands Avenue, Canarsie
Eddies Pizza Truck: Gerritsen Beach Fire Dept: Seba Ave. between Canton Ct. & Dare Ct.
Mexico Blvd: 2828 Neptune, Brighton Beach
Hibachi Heaven: Gravesend Houses, West 33rd St and Neptune Avenue, Coney Island
Palenque: Coffey Park, 85 Richards Street, Red Hook
Now Eat This: Holy Family Catholic Church, 9719 Flatlands Avenue, Canarsie
Gorilla Cheese NYC: 2648 Gerritsen Avenue, Gerritsen Beach

Mike ‘n Willies: Miller Field: Corner of Mill Road and New Dorp Lane

QUEENS (12pm-4pm)
Big D’s Grub: American Legion Hall: 209 Cross Bay Boulevard, Broad Channel
Pizza Luca: Christ Community Church: Rockaway Point Boulevard & 208th St, Breezy Pt.
Trusty Truck: St. Mary’s: 1920 New Haven Avenue, Rockaways
Toum: St Edmunds Church: Rockaway Point Blvd & Beach 216th St., Rockaways
Jiannetto’s Pizza & Catering: Redfern Houses Community Center, Hassock Street & Beach Channel Drive
Souvlaki GR: Beach 41st Houses: 3820 Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaways
Korilla BBQ: Beach 41st Houses: 3820 Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaways
Coolhaus: Breezy Point Fire Dept. 2045 Rockaway Point Blvd., Rockaways
Andys Italian Ices: Beach 25th and Seagirt, Rockaway
Frites ‘n Meats: 129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd, 11am-6pmSponsored by Thompson Reuters 
Phil’s Steaks: Beach 49th Street and Beach Channel Drive
Mexicue: Francis de Sales: Rockaway Beach Boulevard at Beach 129th Street, Belle Harbor


TheTreatsTruck ‏11-3:30 at our fave Wednesday Midtown spot (call 212-691-5226), then 4-7pm 18th st & 7th ave!

BIAN DANG ‏Start the holiday with us on 47th and park from 11:30 to 2:30pm!
Chinese Mirch ‏#SageCurbEats , 777 3rd Ave &. 48th St, it’s #MOMO time 11-2:30pm. Dreamin of #Thanksgiving? Get a slice of yummy pumpkin pie too!!
Valduccis ‏Happy #Thanksgiving Eve We’re Back!! @WFCFood Trucks North End & Vesey!! World Financial Center come and get it!
Sweetery ‏Hello Hudson/King St. Sweetery is on location until noon to ease you into the holiday weekend.
Cupcake Crew ‏Truck is OPEN and serving on w49st & 6ave w/HOT COFFEE & 6 Off the Hook” pre-Thanksgiving flavors. Today’s flavors:Choc-chip Pumpkin Cheesecake,MAPLE BACON,Red Velvet,Carrot Cake,Bklyn Blackout & Salted Caramel. ***Thanksgiving Special*** FREE sampler box of your choice w/ANY sampler box purchase & FREE 10oz. HOT COFFEE(w49&6ave)#We❤ourCustomers #NYC
BobJo Truck ‏Finally, thanksgiving!!! Find us at varick and kings corner.
Uncle Gussy’s ‏@G_For_Free@UncleGussys are you guys at the usual spot today?” Yes Sorry for not sending it out Currently #grillinLikeAVillain
Wafels & Dinges ‏Wafel Wednesday! Momma truck is at 14th & 3rd ave til 4:29pm Kastaar is at Bowery & Grand St til 8:28pm. Bierbeek is at Columbus Circle til 10pm Pagadder is at City Hall Park til 8pm Vedette is at 60th & 5th ave til 6pm. Goesting is at 66th & Broadway til 10pm Bryant Park Market AND Union Sq Market open from 11-8pm! Today’s daily challenge: Order with your back to the truck
Seoul Food NYC ‏Ok 51 st street……WE HEARD YOU!!!! We r here today,, come show your lovve for Seoul Food!! We r on E 51 st… 
Comme Ci, Comme Ça ‏is on 52nd St @ Park Ave today! Ask Chef Samir for your LOYALTY CARD. FREE Moroccan mint tea! Happy Thanksgiving New York!today!
Crisp on Wheels ‏Located on 53rd between Park and Madison
mausamnyc ‏Curry N Bites #foodtrucks is at 40th & 6th ave

eggstravaganza ‏Leavin early? Just grab a tasty taco campechano on the go! Loaded burritos, Mexican quesadillas, see u @ lunch!!

Sweetery ‏Keep an eye out for our afternoon tweets when we”ll be on the UWS from 2-4p giving out free treats.
The Taco Truck ‏#TTTNewark: See y’all @ #WashingtonPark (Washington/James) from 11:30a-2p! Call ahead 201-577-4214. #eatmoretacos