What a gorgeous day! Could this be the 1st day of spring? Get your butt outside for some great New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.
As always, check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
Phil’s Steaks broadway btw 117/118 for all you columbia kids! @CoolhausNY here 2! Great day for cheesesteaks and ice cream sammys! @Columbiafoodpod
Milk Truck hey soho….we’re baaack. and we brought the sun with us. varick & king ’til 3.
TheTreatsTruck 11:30-7pm 18th st and 7th ave!!!
Rocco DiSpirito Not sure whats 4 lunch 2day? If u’re near Hudson&Clarkson, think healthy. Free cupcakes if you check in on @Foursquare
Mike n Willie’s Happy Hump day battery park city! We are hosting lunch on north end ave with @Valduccis @MexicoBlvd @waffletruck #taco #delicious #falafel Celebrate Ash Wednesday with our fish taco or peanocchio slider ! #AshWednesday #yummy
Crisp on Wheels Located on 53d, between Park and Madison.
Seoul Food NYC we are here….MIDTOWN 51st (betw Park and Madison) come have some delicious Seoul food for lunch.,.,…password… fb.me/SnHi1SOa
the Real Good Truck 47th btw park and Lexington. Two styles of Beefwich! Waffle Fries! Fried Chicken n #Waffle! Smiles Galore!
Bongo Brothers Today we are on Water St and John St from 11:30 to 2:30 and today’s specials out Vegetarian and Chicken Empanadas! For $2.00 each!
Domo Taco 23rd & park ready at 11
WFC Food Trucks Wed 2/22: Beauty of a day! 57degrees. Get out of the office and get lunch with @MexicoBlvd @mikenwillies @RickshawTruck & @Valduccis 11a-3p
Uncle Gussy’s Busy on the prep side, getting ready to serve @ our usual spot. Mom made us some avgolemono aunt Georgia made some baklava Let’s do this !
Mexicue On this day in 1980 the US hockey team made a miracle on ice. On this day on 18th and 5th the Mexicue truck will make sliders. #coincidence?
LukesLobsterNYP-p-park ave at 55th st. Open at 11a!
Eddie’s Pizza NY lunch today on 46th btwn 5th/6th. call ahead your order before 12pm. try a spicy chicken sandwich w/blue cheese,… fb.me/QaYaXfXz
Frites’n’Meats hello soho! Lunch 2day @ Hudson & king preorder 9172929226 burger of the week THE SMITHLAND – grassfed angus patty smoked Gouda cheese applewood smoked bacon sautéed onions & garlic chipotle aioli sauce
Calexico We’re back on Broome & we brought breakfast!! Now serving breakfast from 9am-11am and lunch from 11am-2pm! Broome & Crosby in Soho!
RickshawTruck What’s happening is: trucks are en route to World Financial Center as well as to Wall Street! Will let you know when parked!
MorrisGrilledCheese Here is today’s menu: tinyurl.com/6nzxvbj. New sandwich for today: @brooklyncured pastrami, provolone dolce, chimichurri, and duck fat papas fritas. #vivaqueso
Valduccis Today is #AshWednesday, we are @WFCFoodTrucks with @waffletruck ,@MexicoBlvd & @mikenwillies. Lots of lenten opyions available!
Frying Dutchmen Spring day today. Come bask in the sun with us on 28th and Park. #Februaryequalssummer
BigDs Grub Lunch time Grub awaits you on Hudson Street btwn W. Houston and King St. starting at 11:30am! We also got rice platters!!
Johnpaul Perrone You can get our riceballs & meatballs from the pizza truck on 47th near vandebilt ave & the South Shore Deli in Totenville Staten Island
Coolhaus NY Good Morning, Columbia! @cuspectrum @bwog we’ll be at 116th/Amsterdam 11-5! Stop by on break for some @bluebottlenyc & ice cream sammies!
Comme Ci, Comme Ça is on 52nd St @ Park Ave today! Check out our NEW LUNCH MENU! pic.twitter.com/6PVvmudO
Gorilla Cheese NYC Good Morning Midtown.. 47 & Park for your Wednesday Melty Yummy Pleasure. Till 3pm.
Sweetery Yes it’s true, Big Blue is back, & it’s fair to say that we missed ya! Sweetery is on Hudson/King St today until 3:15, then heading uptown.
Wafels & Dinges EXTRA! EXTRA! Mama Truck will be @ 60 Wall st until 4:30pm. CARTS! Goesting will be @ 23/5th til 8p, Vedette will be @ 60/5th til 6ish, Bierbeek will be @ Columbus Circle til 9p, Bryant Parket 12-7pm. Big scoop o’ the day: Show us your most awesome karate CHOP for 1 free dinges!
Our Heros Food Truck Good morning crispy tilapia fillet homemade tartar sauce greens tomato. Vegetable and cheese frittata
lpt_desserts12:00-2:00 harborside, vegetarian menu, macarons and chocolate mille crepe.. a tout a l’heure