This is the last week of 2011 for a bunch of vendors, but don’t worry, there will always be plenty of great New York Street Food options. Just check out our directory on the right.

As always, check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.

bongobros We are in Old Slip and Water Today from 12:00 to 3:09!

milktrucknyc we’re at church/walker until 2:30 today feeding the peeps @Q1043 @Z100NewYork @Power1051 @1035KTU @1067Litefm & YOU!


bobjoTruck We are on Vanderbilt Ave between 45th and 46th Streets. Hoping it won’t rain.
waffletruck Wonderful Wafel Wednesday! De Grand Wafel Truck is on Hanover btwn Water & Pearl until 4:28. Super Wafel Carts: De Bierbeek is on Columbus Circle by TimeWarner Center until 9:59. De Goesting is on 40th & 8th by NYTimes until 5:38.  For 1 free dinges: How many possible dinges combinations are there?
KorillaBBQ Today we are hitting up Midtown West (55th & 5th Ave) + FiDi (Front St. & Gouveneur Ln.)! Running behind at Midtown West and FiDi.

schnitznthings Morning guys! The truck is on 27th & park ave from 11:30-2:00 today. Come by and get ur schnitz on!!

SweeteryNYC Through the rain drops Sweetery is on Hudson/King St all day today, with our normal array of deliciousness.
ChefsamirtruckComme Ci, Comme Ça is on 52nd St @ Park Ave today!


bigdsgrub Good morning SoHo…you’re last day (this year) with Big D is today, see you at Hudson St. btwn W. Houston St. and King St for lunch!!!
VeganLunchTruckThe Cinnamon Snail Parked on wall st and water until 3:00 we have al pastor seitan, Thai curry soup, our full menu, and the city’s most ridiculous donuts.  Last day of the season in FiDi.
OurHerosTruck We are live here on wall and water st so stop on by and enjoy a hot soup or a great hot sandwich.
TaimMobile on 5th at 25th today
LukesLobsterNY We’re uptown, homing in on a spot.
fritesnmeats Hey soho, lunch 2day @ Hudson & king burger of the week THE MERITAL BLISS. Don’t forget about our home made soup & jumbo cookies:) preorder 9172929226 #mobilesecret
lobstertrucknyRed Hook Lobster Find us At 47th & Lex today ready to warm your bones with Holiday Cheer 7&by cheer I mean lobster mac n cheese.
Frying_Dutchmen Open early today on 47th between Park and Lex
UncleGussys Goodmorninnnn 🙂 The temperature is right in NYC, light drizzle, but that ain’t stoping the GYRO from spinnin:))
KimchiTruck Good morning! Lunch in Midtown 55th St. MIDDLE of 6th & 7th Ave 11:30-2:30. Spicy Beef Soup on board!
biandangnyc On Coenties slip and water from 11:30-2pm!
realgoodtruck Today we are in flatiron at 5th Ave and W 18th St!!! Please come visit us for your Wafflewiches!!!
gcnyc1Gorilla Cheese NYC 48 & 3rd. Falafel Melts …yum…
EddiesPizzaNY Lunch today on 46th btwn 5th and 6th
CoolhausNY We’d love to see your beautiful faces! 4-8pm Union Square West.
cupcakecrewnyc Good morning Midtown East today I’ll truck will be serving some great holiday flavors on E. 51st St. and Park Avenue
Valduccis Stop by for lunch! 52nd & Park! 11-5pm! Vodka Pie THE SLICE, Meatball & Ricotta to name a few!
CrispOnWheels Located on 51st between Park and Madison. Ready to serve by 11:15 AM.
VeganLunchTruckThe Cinnamon Snail Last three days of the season: Wednesday: FINANCIAL DISTRICT Thursday: HOBOKEN lunch, Jersey City Din Din…
LaBellaTorte the truck will be out today in hoboken with struffoli and rainbow cookies