It’s a bit gloomy out, but you can brighten your day with delicious New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.

Earlier today, we posted a recap of the Rookie of the Year category from the Vendy Awards.  If you didn’t attend the Vendys, you can still try the vendors today.

Korilla is at Varick & Vandam, Comme Ci Comme Ca is at 36th & Broadway, Taim is at Varick & King, and Eddie’s Pizza is in a few locations, which you can see below.  Eddie’s also gave some of their delicious porchetta to Gorilla Cheese, who put it into a special sandwich today with cheddar cheese and bbq sauce.

As always, make sure to check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.  Schnitzel & Things already did because of a film shoot.

KorillaBBQ Open at Varick and Van Dam!

Chefsamirtruck Comme Ci, Comme Ça is on 36th St @ Broadway today!

TaimMobile Varick/king today !

EddiesPizzaNY Truck at Long Island City Lot then Upper East Side for dinner. Cart in midtown on 52nd and 6th for lunch and tribeca on greenwich/duane till 8pm. This weeks special is pasta pesto pizza

gcnyc1 Gorilla Cheese NYC – Flatiron we back 26-27 on Park till 3pm. Eddie’s Pizza hooked us up with their Killer Porchetta we are combining with our homemade bbq…..Todays melt: Cheddar BBQ Porquetta Melt….

KimchiTruck Good morning! 24th & 5th/bway 11:30-3pm. See u there!
bongobros 2Oth and 5th from 12:00 til 3:00 !!!
schnitznthings Hey guys! Were back by AT&T on Park ave serving 1130-2pm, call us for preorder 347-772-7341 cu soon for some Schnitz & Things 😉
souvlakitruck Thinkin today’s gonna be a salad type day. We’re at Old Slip & Front w/ mounds of feta & fresh cukes..

ETRAVAGANZA Hellooooo!?skirt tacos with guacamole fresco.OH! Don’t forget our mexican grilled cheese;)

PapaPerrone We r on 55th Btwn 5th&madison. We have calzones today and our regular menu. Just running a little late

schnitznthings morning:) truck will be in old Tues spot on 46th b/w 5th & 6th today.
LukesLobsterNY Ol’ Reliable Spot today, 30th and Park ave. Come holla! Open by 11.
biandangnyc 24th btwn park and madison from 11:30-2pm!
CupcakeStop Truck is in LIC. Flavors: Red Velvet, Funfetti, Oreo, Vanilla Chocolate, French Toast w/ Bacon, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Toffee Crunch =)

pizzatrucknyc Our usual spot today for lunch. W.4th and Mercer.

bobjoTruck We are at E 48th St and Madison.
UncleGussys What’s up everyone Weather is looking good for now:)) Today mom and aunt Georgia made some great specials GEMISTA, stuffed tomatoes with rice and chopped meat, and a great mini baklava :)) Double souvlaki rice Greek BBQ and onions #orderoftheday

lobstertruckny Red Hook Lobster Summer is making a comeback Today Big Red is parked on 47th & Lex, #MadSqEats is on & Pound opens at noon!.Crustacean Domination, Do it!

TheCrepesTruck On 49 & 6 avenue today. The special is sauteed mushrooms with garlic, swiss cheese, virginia ham and parmesan for $7. Add an egg for $1

bigdsgrub Breakfast burritos, Spanish omelets and corn cake in FiDi at Hanover Sq is ready!!
Mexicue Water and broad at 1130! In promotion of EVERY new show on tv this season, everyone on the truck will be dressed in their best 1960’s garb!
waffletruck Hooray for Tuesday! Le Grand Wafel Truck is parked on 52 btwn 3rd & Lex until 4:48. Super Wafel Carts! Bierbeek is at Columbus Circle for all day, Goesting is studying at Fordham on 60th & Columbus for all day! Central Park Wafeling! The Vedette is at 60th St & 5 Ave, or the Kotmadam on the Great Lawn by the Delacorte Theater. Both until sundown. Allez Allez Tell us about the Neutrino Particle for 1 free dinges!

fritesnmeats Columbia here we come, lunch 2day @ 116th & Amsterdam. Burger of the week THE ITALIAN JOB:) preorder 9172929226 #mobilesecret. Hey peeps…when u get ur Burger and Frites 2day…just mention this tweet and get a #free homemade chocolate chip cookie 🙂

SweeteryNYC Hudson/King St, we just can’t stay away! We return to your scene today hanging with you until 3:30p.
cupcakecrewnyc Good Morning FIDI!Truck settin up at Hanover Sq. bet Water/Pearl w/6 flavors of “LOVE” Brought 2 new flavors-Choc Cannoli and Whiskey Cream
joyridetruck 26th+Park. We’ll be here till 5.

CoolhausNY Mornin. T2 headed to 38th @ 6th ave w/ three new fall flavors. noon to 5pm ish. Blue Bottle Coffee on Board! Secret Password for $1 off 2 sammies today… “COOLegiate”. In reference to our Coolhaus University Fall ’11 Tour. Whisper it today.

New Jersey

LaBellaTorte good moring facebook foodies the truck will be back in hoboken today see you around 12

TheKrave Tuesday – 12:00-2:00 Hudson and Harborside Pl. 5:30-9:00 Columbus and Marin

homebytherange On my way to #Hoboken! The New Porker is on today! Rabe, caramelized apples & cider reduction! Veg opt. is a butternut sq wheat berry salad!