It’s a cold and wet day today. Just imagine if you didn’t have electricity or heat. There are still plenty of people with severely damaged homes from Hurricane Sandy. That means some food trucks will be out again today, serving free, hot food to those who need it most.
To make sure this keeps happening, please contribute to the NYC Food Truck Association’s indiegogo fundraiser.
Click through to see where the food trucks are today, including Sandy Relief locations in Brooklyn and Queens. For the latest info on locations, check our Mobile Munchies twitter feed.
Today, the following food trucks will be in:
BROOKLYN (12pm-4pm)
Blend Express: Coffey Park, 85 Richards Street, Red Hook
Korilla: 2828 Neptune Ave, Brighton Beach
Mexico Blvd: 2828 Neptune Ave, Brighton Beach
Morris Grilled Cheese: Coffey Park, 85 Richards Street, Red Hook
Tribeca Taco: Gravesend Houses, West 33rd St and Neptune Avenue, Coney Island
QUEENS (12pm-4pm)
Cupcake Crew: St. Francis de Sales: Rockaway Beach Boulevard at Beach 129th Street, Belle Harbor
Green Pirate Juice Truck: Christ Community Church: Rockaway Point Boulevard and 208st, Breezy Point
Jiannetto’s Pizza & Catering: St. Francis de Sales: Rockaway Beach Boulevard at Beach 129th Street, Belle Harbor
Mike n Willies: Church of the Nazarene, 1414 Central Ave. Far Rockaway
Schnitzel & Things: Church of the Nazarene, 1414 Central Ave. Far Rockaway
Trusty Truck: Christ Community Church: Rockaway Point Boulevard and 208st, Breezy Point