This has to be one of the 10 best days of the year so far – perfect for enjoying some great New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.
After a jam packed weekend, some of the trucks are resting today, but there are still plenty of excellent options.
As always, check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
SweeteryNYC Greetings Manhattan! We are on the corner of Hudson & King St until 4pm.
KorillaBBQ For those that missed out last friday, here’s ur chance! 2.0 back in Flatiron! 24th & Park! Ready by 11:30! 3.0 at 46 and Lex by 12!
CrispOnWheels We’re on hudson and king today.
Frying_Dutchmen At Varick and Vandam for lunch. Come try our pesto mayo.
biandangnyc Ready by 11:30, on the corner of front and gouverneur!
Chefsamirtruck Comme Ci, Comme Ça is on Old Slip @ Water St today!
waffletruck Just another manic Monday! Le Truck is on Varick & King til 4:27pm. Le Roaming Carts! Le Goesting is on 51 Park & Madison til 8:52pm Le Bierbeek is at Columbus Circle til all day. Le Central Carts! Le Vedette is on 60 & 5 til 7:51pm Le Kotmadam is at le Great Lawn til 7:52pm Allez! Shout “I want to be Miss(ter) Wafel 2011!” =1 free dinges.
gcnyc1 Gorilla Cheese NYC Mon11-3 FiDi water & John; 4-8 PCV StuyTown…This weeks MELT: Crab Melts
bigdsgrub Vanderbilt Ave. btwn 46 & 47 St. Mmmm….. SRIRACHA HOT WINGSSSS!!!
LukesLobsterNY We are playing hooky this morning but we will be out for dinner!New Jersey