making dosas
NY Dosa Cart (Washington Square Park)

It’s definitely autumn weather, perfect for enjoying some hearty New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.

As always, make sure to check the pink Mobile Munchies twitter feed for the latest info.

Mexicue Midtown was crazy, TriBeCa it is… Church St between Walker St & Lispenard St. Open at 11:15.
PapaPerrone We will be serving eggplant parm today we are on 55th Btwn Park&Mad. We have baked ziti
Chefsamirtruck Brrrr! It’s cold today! Good thing we have a steamy hot LENTIL SOUP (all vegetarian) $3
CupcakeStop Trucks on 7th and 29th in NYC and 7th Ave and 6th Street in Park Slope Brooklyn! Get those Yankee cupcakes!
LCBBurgerTruck We moved! The LCB Burger Truck is now on 47th St. between Park and Lex. Try our delicious all natural steakburgers plus NEW sandwiches!
souvlakitruck Opening for lunch today a 12pm on 21st & 6th. Did you know you can check our website every day for updates too?
KELVINSLUSH We’re going to be closed again today. See you Saturday at the @GrubstreetNY Food Festival at @HesterStFair:
MalaysiaKitchn Good morning! Going to get the truck & stock it with goodies from Cafe Asean. We’ll be near 52&6 Ave for for lunch today -exact location tbd
waffletruck Come eat hot Wafels on 52nd St btwn 6th & 7th Inspirational Quote = Free Dinges 8:00-16:24 Hip Hip! NY Times building: 3rd time = a charm. Back on 40th btw 7th and 8th with the Goesting cart. Central Park and Seaport staying in….slackers!
UncleGussys Goodmorning NY , were on park and 51st GRILLIN IT UP
StreetSweets Happy Fri SS is on Hudson St btw King & WHouston till 11:15a, then off 2 Park & 52St from noon til 4p. BIG news about nxt wk give aways soon
fritesnmeats What’s up fidi! Today lunch will be on water&broad in front of verizon building! See u at 11

nyccravings Hudson & King…ready by 11:40!

JiannettosPizza 47th between Park & Madison and 100 Wall Street!

joyridetruck Joy abounds at Columbia today! 115th & Broadway from 8:00am-4:00pm. Come get your @stumptowncoffee on.
Hoboken/Jersey City
TheKrave Schedule – Hudson and Harborside Place. !2:30-2:0 Columbus and Marin. 5:30-9:30