Yay, the weekend is finally here! Was this an extra long work week, or did it just seem that way because last week was so short?
10 food trucks will be in Brooklyn & Queens today helping those in need. You can still help by donating to the NYC Food Truck Association’s indiegogo fundraiser.
For the latest food truck locations, click through. Make sure to check our Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
Today, the following food trucks will be in:
BROOKLYN (12pm-4pm)
Frites ‘n Meats: Mermaid between 27th & 28th Streets
Now Eat This: Coffey Park, 85 Richards Street, Red Hook
Palenque: 2828 Neptune Ave, Brighton Beach
Takumi Taco Cart: 2828 Neptune Ave, Brighton Beach
QUEENS (12pm-4pm)
Bian Dang: 87-15 rockaway beach blvd( between beach 87th and 88th)
Steaks ‘n Crepes: Church of the Nazarene, 1414 Central Ave. Far Rockaway
Milk Truck: St. Francis de Sales: Rockaway Beach Boulevard at Beach 129th Street, Belle Harbor
Rickshaw Dumplings: Christ Community Church: Rockaway Point Boulevard and 208st, Breezy Point
Domo Taco: Church of the Nazarene, 1414 Central Ave. Far Rockaway
Toum: St. Francis de Sales: Rockaway Beach Boulevard at Beach 129th Street, Belle Harbor
mausamnyc Hello morgan stanley we are back at 48 & broadway .., happy Friday everyone
Phil’s Steaks Phil’s Phriday returns!!! 51st and Park today – actually on the corner and not in front of Blackrock. #cheesesteaks 11-2! #getyourphil
MorrisGrilledCheese We’re back! Hanging with a couple cool trucks at the@WFCFoodTrucks lot. It’s beautiful out- come start the weekend off right!
RickshawTruck Fridays rock with dumplings. Midtown: 50&6av. 11-3p. 2nd truck at Christ Comm. Church breezy point #SandyRelief @nycmayorsoffice
The Squeeze Cart is in Union Square & Truck is in Tribeca on West Broadway & Duane Bikers are ready for http://Seamless.com Deliveries!