Are you ready for the weekend? To get you in the right frame of mind, enjoy some great New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.
As always, check the Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
Mexicue To all the people who know what’s up: 55th and Lex, 11:30.
RickshawTruck Friday 7/8: TGIF! Check out early and grab dumplings & beer at Tavern on the Green (nr 67&CPW) or Highline (30th&10th Ave). All day long!
CoolhausNY T2 parked on 40th and 6th….new cookie on board …potato chip and skor bar! Here till 2:30 today…
TribecaTaco Here in SoHo on Broadway
bigdsgrub 7/8 (TGIF) Come and get some lunch grub today at 53rd and Lex!
LukesLobsterNY Today’s a slam-dunk kind of day, back uptown. 54th and Park!
PapaPerrone 55th Btwn Park&Mad. We have eggplant parm platter or hero try our fresh garlic bread. We have porto Bella riceballs
Valduccis Lunch is served on York at 68th St, Come and get it!
CrispOnWheels Its Friday! That means we’re on 46th and 6th today.
lobstertruckny Red Hook Lobster Meet Big Red today on 46th btw 5th & 6th and we will love u with lobster. Service starts at 10:45. It’s a party in your mouth!
schnitznthings Hi guys! Bad news with the truck. Broke down on way to spot so unfortunately we won’t be out today. So frustrating:(:( sorry guys
UncleGussys Were rocking out on park and 51 st The gyro Is ready, the souvlaki is smoking, grilled chicken … OHH the sun is peaking out:))
BistroTruck One more round at DA NEST (5Ave-16St). Lunch service at 11.30a
EddiesPizzaNY Fri Lunch: truck: Hudson and King 917 439 7522 Cart: The Lot at Highline 30th st at 10th av 917 510 7269
KimchiTruck Good morning! Lunch at 46th & Lexington 11:30-3pm. Dinner at Astor place 5:30-9:30pm.
Chefsamirtruck Comme Ci, Comme Ça is on 36th St @ Broadway today!
CupcakeStop Good morning! 🙂 Truck 1 is on 33rd between 7th and 8th. Truck 2 is on Water and Maiden. In honor of reaching 16,500 Twitter followers mention the code word “16500” and get a special surprise…
TaimMobile Were at the Highline today all day with my personal fav kalamata olive falafel !
gcnyc1 Gorilla Cheese NYC Good morning Midtown! We’re at 47th & park, we want to make you sandwiches 😉
waffletruck Fantastubular Friday! Le Truck is on 49 & 3 til 4:29pm. Do an impression of a rocket blasting off for #1freedinges . Aaaaand CARTS! Le Goesting is on 52 btwn 6 & 7 Le Bierbeek is at Columbus Circle Le Vedette is on 60 & 5 Le Kotmadam is at le Great Lawn BLAST OFF!
biandangnyc Front st btwn Gouverneur and Old Slip.
SweeteryNYC Good morning Hudson & King St. smooth sailing this AM, come get get what we could not give you yesterday, we are here until 11:15a.
KorillaBBQ Flatiron Fridays! And FiDi?! Yes it’s got a nice ring to it. So it is settled, 24 or 25&Park as well as Gouverneur&Front. Check 4 more info!
cupcakecrewnyc Good morning-TGIF-The crew is parked in its usual Friday spot.Come on by and say Hello 🙂 Todays menu:Red Vel,Coconut Mango,Rocky Road,Funfetti,NY Peppermint Patty,Starry Night(Van/Blueberry),Cinnamon Peach & Jelly Donut!
LCBBurgerTruck The LCB Burger Truck is at 111 Wall St. Kick off the weekend with a mouthwatering 100% All Natural Black Angus Grass Fed Burger or Sandwich!
RedHookFoodVend Red Hook Food Vendors hosting Staten Island’s first ever Food Truck Festival @ Midland Beach/Turtle Circle 12p-8p Today & next Friday!!
juicepirate Tomorrow Juice truck is at Grand Army Plaza from 9 am – 5 pm with smiles on our faces! Can’t wait!
New Jersey
VeganLunchTruck The Cinnamon Snail Parked on Sinatra and first 9:00-3:00. We have fresh fig pancakes with blood orange chamomile syrup, chipotle… http://fb.me/16uCLZQbJ
TheTacoTruck The truck will be in #Newark @ Washington Park for lunch around 12-2:30. @audiblehelps @NewarkMuseum @newarkpulse come #eatmoretacos!
TwoPitasInAPod Partly sunny. Pod slicing through scattered hazy lanes. Frantic Pitas en route to Hoboken. In Pitas we trusty.
TheKrave Krave will be on vacation till Wednesday. – We have some big things coming up. Stay tuned. http://tumblr.com/xl13e3kf5w