A beautiful day, and it should be an even better weekend!
Definitely get outside for lunch today, and enjoy fantastic New York Street Food from the vendors on the right and the trucks below.
Bob & Jo just are debuting a new cart today on 54th St btw Madison & Park, to go along with their popular truck, which is on Park Ave today btw 47-48 St.
As always, check our Mobile Munchies twitter feed before heading out, in case anyone had to move at the last minute.
BobJo Truck BobJo had an important announcement to make today. With yr warm support past 2 years, we now extend our bisiness by adding a push cart named BobJo express located at 54st bet Madison and park ave. We thank you again and hope to see ya all at new location!! Oh! BTY BobJo truck is at park bet 47 & 48 st. See ya all at lunch!!
BIAN DANG #tgif 53rd and park!! #comegetsome
Momos & Buns #hudson & Charlton, #FoodFri is here, take a staycation to #tibet with momos! 11-3pm
Frites’n’Meats Hello fidi, lunch 2day @ 7 Hanover sq b/t water & pearl st. Burger of the week THE MEXICANA preorder 9172929226
The Pocketful Located on 49th between 6th&7th
Carl’s Steaks CHEESESTEAK Friday! bway/ 55th 11-3 PRE ORDER AVOID THE LINES 917 597 4313 @YoungandRubica1 @randomhouse AFROPUNK THIS WEEKEND @afropunk
La Bella Torte Happy Friday everyone. After a delivery this morning we will be at the Lent Space on and 6th from 11-3 then… http://fb.me/1XUgkSued
Eddie’s Pizza NY We are serving lunch on hudson/king street today. Call ahead your order. 917-439-7522
Nuchas beautiful day, good empanadas, happy people… what more to life? meet us on 50th & 6th! #tgif #empanadas… http://fb.me/2BjYXh2SU
TheTreatsTruck Happy Friday! We’ll update w/spots in a bit!
Uncle Gussy’s Kalimera! Ready to have you visit us today to start the weekend off right! #GrillinLikeAVillain !
FUNBUNSNYC 50th st btwn 6th and 7th ave ! Friday Funbuns are ready !!! #PorkBelly #BeefShank #CurriedChicken #Buns #Bread #TGIF #AsianFusionCuisine
Domo Taco Another day another #taco 38th and broadway Hello #midtown
Toum NYC Let’s end the week on a tasty note! Join us on N. End & Vesey! We’re with @schnitznthings @bigdsgrub @morristruck @Mexicue #FoodTruckFriday
SOUVLAKI GR If you can’t eat lunch on the beach in Greece, join us on Park Ave & 47th Street until 3pm. pic.twitter.com/0JPalViVkt
RedHookLobsterTruck FRIDAY! That means Big Red’s dishing out #lobstah at 46th and 6th! Get your weekend off to a great start! #NYClunch #crustaceanelation
Valduccis Happy #foodfriday #NYC 49th&6th today! #bestpizza #meatballs #lunchtime
Sweetery Direct from the Island of Ponza Sweetery will b staying on Hudson/KingSt allday, have a grt weekend everyone pic.twitter.com/HdB5nh83ml
Kimchi Taco One more whozits & whatits to fix and back next week for reg lunch service.
BigDs Grub You. Big D’s Grub. @BrookfieldPLNY. Vesey Street and North End Avenue #TGIF
Milk Truck Stand at South St. Seaport @smorgasbar, truck at Wall and William. Preorder from truck by calling (646) 504-6455. #TGIF
Nauti Mobile BTW.. Two Vendy Cup finalists next to each other today on 47th and Park. @souvlakitruck right next to us today. Treat yo’self
Sweet Chili NYC Start your weekend off right with lunch from Sweet Chili! 47th between Vanderbilt and Madison 11-3! #Thaietnamese @vendyawards
The Cinnamon Snail Parked on 47th and park from 9:00 until 3:00 We have porcini mushroom french lentil burger with garlic white… http://fb.me/6s4PBqSgp
Nauti Mobile So Ben Affleck is your new Batman… We are ok with this, but can JLo be the new Robin? They are still a thing right? 47th and Park
Schnitzel & Things TGISD!!! got schnitz on lock from mid to down town. The truck will be at WFC on North End Ave and Vesey Sts from 11-2:30PM. For preorders call 347-772-7341. The cart will be on 49th B/w 6th & 7th from 11:30-2PM. preorder pls call 917-575-4377
Carpe Donut NYC At 55th and broadway come and get it
Uncle Gussy’s #Souvlaki #NYC #GRILLINLIKEAVILLAIN Park &51st #Greek #Greekfood #FF http://instagram.com/p/dXBtdnkAKd/
Mamu Thai Noodle Dumbo! We brought noodles for you. Thai noodles. Also today only: $2 Thai ice tea. @DUMBOFoodTrucks @dumbolot Jay&Water 11-3
Phil’s Steaks Who’s ready for some Phil’s Phriday?!?!! About to open on 47th @ Madison/Vanderbilt, come grab a #Cheesesteak before the wknd!
Palenque Gooooood morning , what a beautiful day !, Nothing will stop you from joining us @ water st & jay st .
Neapolitan Express No plans for lunch? How ’bout a fresh-out-of-the-oven Neapolitan pizza? We’re parked at #49th and #6th. So delicious.
BP Food Trucks Here comes lunch! @BrookfieldPLNY NORTH has @MorrisTruck @BigDsGrub @Mexicue @SchnitznThings & @ToumNYC! N. End Ave./Vesey, 11a-3pm.
BP Food Trucks @ShortysNYC will also be at the @lmcc #LentSpace along with @MikeNWillies & @LaBellaTorte! See ya soon!