The Right Information: 7 Myths and Facts About Healthy Nutrition

Myths and Facts About Healthy Nutrition

The Internet has dramatically improved consumers’ access to information. Unfortunately, though, not all of that information is correct and some of the misconceptions and mistruths spread online can be downright harmful, especially when it comes to health and nutrition. Read on to find out about seven myths and facts about healthy nutrition to get past the lies and find the truth.

Myth #1: Calorie Counting Is the Best Way to Lose Weight

Relying on calorie intake exclusively as a measure of how much weight consumers are going to lose can be downright dangerous. It’s important that dieters still get all the nutrients they need to thrive while they are trying to slim down and ignoring everything other than calorie counts is a great way to wind up with nutrient deficiencies. Visit to learn about healthy foods for weight loss instead.

Myth #2: Fatty Foods Are Unhealthy

Not too long ago, even nutritionists assumed that fatty foods were unhealthy and caused weight gain. Today, they know better. Dietary fat is actually essential for maintaining good health, and nutrient-dense foods that contain healthy fats can actually help people lose weight on certain types of weight-loss diets.

Myth #3: Only Skinny People Are Healthy

While obesity is associated with many serious medical conditions, being skinny is not inherently a marker of good health. What’s important when it comes to reducing the risk of disease is maintaining an active lifestyle and supporting it with healthy, nutrient-rich foods. Although these lifestyle choices may help consumers lose weight, they focus on what’s important: staying healthy.

Myth #4: High Cholesterol Foods Are Unhealthy

There is a link between certain types of cholesterol and heart health, but it’s not as simple as many consumers think. Not only are there good and bad types of cholesterol, but there are also plenty of nutrient-dense, cholesterol-rich foods that are very healthy when eaten in moderation. Foods like eggs and full-fat yogurt can enhance health by providing essential nutrients not found in low-cholesterol foods and creating feelings of satiety.

Myth #5: Carbs Cause Weight Gain

Just like modern researchers now know that the relationship between dietary fats and weight gain isn’t as straight-forward as their predecessors believed, nutritionists are now coming around on carbs. Eating carbohydrate-rich foods that are also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals can reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Just avoid carb-rich processed foods like cookies, sweetened beverages, and white bread.

Myth #6: All Smoothies Are Healthy

Some types of smoothies are highly nutritious. Homemade smoothies that contain fresh juice, non-starchy vegetables, and no added sugar make a great snack or even meal replacement, but those found in stores are usually high in sugar and empty calories. Try to avoid them.

Facts About Healthy NutritionMyth #7: Non-Nutritive Sweeteners Are Healthy

There’s been a lot of consumer interest in recent years in sugar-free foods, which has led to an increase in the use of non-nutritive sweeteners. While tons of sugar isn’t healthy, these sweeteners aren’t necessarily a better alternative. This makes you more susceptible to things like diabetes and heart issues. Non-nutritive Sweeteners can increase consumers’ risks of developing type-2 diabetes and some may contribute to other potentially serious health problems. It’s better to use all sweeteners in moderation than to assume non-nutritive sugar alternatives are inherently healthier.

The Bottom Line: Learn The True Facts About Healthy Nutrition

Eating healthy can be hard, especially with so much misinformation out there. Consumers who want to improve their diets should only trust reputable sources when it comes to nutrition and diet advice. When in doubt, look for a second opinion backed by scientific research, not arbitrary consumer opinions.