Review to Win Three Tickets to Google New York’s Ice Cream Social with Coolhaus and NYSF


Here at New York Street Food, we love finding and sharing the scoop about New York’s best street eats – but we know you know where to find great treats, too, so it’s time to tell the world what you think.

We’re teaming up with Google New York and Coolhaus to give you a reward just for sharing your opinions on Google Places.  You can win an invitation for you and two friends to our super-cool, free Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, March 6th from 7-9pm at New Work City.

Click through for more details on how to enter and win these sweet treats.

If you win, you’ll be able to mix and match three delicious ice cream flavors and three kinds of cookies to your heart’s content.

Worried about brain freeze? Coolhaus will have 3 types of hot chocolate that you can sip to stay warm – or you can follow this handy guide we published last summer on how to avoid brain freeze.

Oh, we almost forgot! Everyone attending will receive a surprise gift to take home with them courtesy of NYSF and Google New York.

More details and the entry form can be found here. Happy reviewing, and good luck!!