Food Truck News

Taco Bite
Eddie’s Pizza Cart slider (credit: NYSF)

A couple of items came to our attention this morning via twitter that you might be interested in.

Eddie’s Pizza Cart, who was parking across from Lincoln Center for a while, is returning to their old stomping grounds on 52nd St & 6th Ave for lunch. That’s was one of their spots last summer and fall.

One thing you can get at the cart that you can’t get at the truck are Italian sliders, which we definitely recommend. The prosciutto and mozzarella slider is pictured above.

We also saw that the Jalapeno NYC truck is back, and today they are parking in Cinnamon Snail’s regular FiDi spot. We thought they were history, but they seem to have returned from the dead late last week. Hopefully the quality of the food has improved in their time off. Let us know if you try them.

(credit: NYSF)